Announcing the Pregnancy

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After your appointment and ultrasound you and Niall drove to the suburbs of London where you lived. You were so happy to get to spend a night in your own bed after sleeping on a tour bus for four weeks. You weren't sure you would be able to keep traveling with Niall the further you got into your pregnancy, so you were going to enjoy every night you got together with him.

But one night was all you got. Then it was time to head to the airport to fly from London to Northern Ireland and meet the boys for the Belfast stops of the tour. Thankfully there were only three shows left before the boys got a couple weeks off from work. You loved being on the road with Niall, but you were starting to feel worn out from traveling while pregnant.

You and Niall pulled up to the Odyssey Arena in Belfast. The other boys were outside meeting with some fans that had been waiting outside the arena for over 12 hours just hoping to get a glimpse of the boys.

The girls immediately screamed as they saw Niall step out of the black car. He smiled and gave them a wave before turning to you and extending his hand to you. You smiled and accepted his hand as he helped you step out of the car.

"Babe, why don't you go inside? I'm going to go say hi to the fans with the boys." He said.

"Okay, I'll see you inside." You said.

"Okay, I love you babe." Niall said before leaning in and giving you a gentle kiss on the lips.

You made your way to the door of the arena where there were two security guards. They both smiled and let you into the arena.

"Y/n!" You heard a high pitched voice say excitedly as soon as you were through the doors.

You smiled as you saw Theo running down the hallway towards you. You leaned down and scooped the small child into your arms.

"I miss you!" He said smiling at you.

"I missed you too Theo!" You said as you smiled down at your adorable nephew.

"Theo?" You heard Denise's voice call from around the corner.

"I've got him Denise." You said as you started walking towards the sound of her voice.

She smiled as she rounded the corner and saw Theo resting on your hip.

"Thank you so much for catching him. He took off on me and I couldn't keep up." She said.

"It's no problem. I'm glad I could catch him before he ran off somewhere by himself." You said as you looked down at Theo.

"So how was the appointment?" She asked as she took Theo from your arms.

"Well...we got a little bit of a surprise." You said.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah everything is okay but there's something Niall and I have to tell everyone. But we want to do it when everyone is together." You said.

About an hour before the concert everyone was in the dressing room hanging out. You were sitting on Niall's lap due to the lack of seating for everyone.

"Should we tell them now?" You asked.

"Yeah. I think this is the perfect time to tell them." Niall said.

You nodded before clearing your throat to get everyone's attention.

"Can we get everyone's attention for a second?" You asked as you looked at the room filled with family and loved ones.

Once everyone was looking at you and Niall you continued.

"Niall and I have some very big and exciting news we want to share with you guys. We want you guys to be the first ones to know because you are the people we love the most." You said.

Niall Horan Pregnancy SeriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora