Chapter 18: Honeymoon Cancelled

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Salamualaikum! 😀
Sorry if that made you sad or want to kill the author but I really like pulling pranks 😄😜

Chapter 18: Preparations

Afaaf's POV

Mariam became a 5 year old after finding out that I and Imran were going for a honeymoon. She was demanding we take her along. It took us sometime to make her understand that we were not just going there for tourism but for a honeymoon. Imran got a bit angry at her and told her off. She clinged to me crying like a baby. Well who wouldn't cry if they were asked to stay home for the whole summer vacation period. I tried to show her the bright side. She could so much more instead of travelling. I asked aunty Sabeeha to make sure she gets selected for the summer classes in the Muslim Women Community Girl's Club.

I finally took mum's advice and started to get my things ready for the trip. It had been a long time since I travelled and by long time I mean 7 years! That's a bit too long for someone like me who loves travelling. Who doesn't?!

You have to be very careful what you pick to take along. I didn't wanted to fill up my bag with stuff I would end up not using. Especially clothing. I really needed to be specific about it. Considering Marrakesh's present weather, I was going to wear mostly cotton shirts. I was selecting hijabs and cardigans to go with my abayas.

"This one or this one?", I asked Amna throwing two hijabs on the bed where my blue abaya laid.

Amna wasn't listening to me and was buys with her phone.

"Amna, you were here to help me!", I got annoyed.

"Sorry, I got caught up in this amazing article", she apologised.

"About what?"

"How to look beautiful during pregnancy"

"Now why would you read that?! You don't need to look beautiful! You are glowing every day"

"Yeah, that's the reason Fahad's finds me so unattractive now a days?"

"Did he say something? Did you guys fight?"

"We don't ever fight Afaaf. We are even worse. We become quiet all of a sudden and even if we talk it's not like we do it because we care, it's like living up to a responsibility. We end up becoming a burden over each other", by the end she was crying.

I walked upto her and hugged her, "Amna...yours is an ideal marraige. Fahad bhai cares about you so much. You look after him despite you carrying this baby for months. Someone out there would be dying for what Allah is giving you right now"

I knew Amna's hormones were messing with her emotions and thoughts. I had read about such conditions a lot. She could've been feeling ugly even if she was not.

"Then why does he stares at his phone more than he used to look at me", she sobbed.

An amazing idea popped in my head. "I may have a solution for that"

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