Chapter 21: Little Angel

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Afaaf's POV

Honeymoon was over but not the newly found feelings between I and Imran. I was missing Marrakech so much but looking through all the beautiful pictures and videos I relived many moments. Coming back to our normal lives we got busy with our routines once again. Somedays I felt bored because the house was mostly empty in the mornings but once Imran was back from work life got exciting again.

Everyone loved the presents we bought for them. I went to visit mum once to drop off the presents and ask her about her health. Alhamdulilah she was all okay. She had even started to go back to work at the Dar-Ul-Iman. She worked as an Arabic teacher there. Ayesha had Mr concerned once again. Why wasn't she taking care of herself? Why was she always so tired and in pain?! I decided she needed to see a doctor and I made her promise that she'll go for a checkup with her doctor soon.

Best part of the year is when there's no work. I only had a month and a half now before the vacation so I decided to use this time learning something new and beneficial. I never wasted my summer vacations. Something that mum instilled in me. I continued doing the hadith course which I had left because of the honeymoon.

I always waited for Saturdays since that's the day I had more time to enjoy with Imran and the family would sit together. Even though they had their issues but the Khan's had really taught me what was meant by a big happy Muslim family.

"No, this one goes here!", Imran took a puzzle piece from Mariam's hand. Saturday evening Mariam had discovered an old jigsaw puzzle from under her bed which she had brought in the living room and spread on the floor asking everyone to help her put the pieces together.

"No Bhai! It won't go there", Mariam argued

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"No Bhai! It won't go there", Mariam argued.

Imran put that piece in the corner completing image of a tree, "I told you it'll go here". Mariam frowned and Imran wiggled his eyebrows.

"Let's try to complete the house now", I told them.

"Is this a window or a door?", I tried to understand the piece held in my hand.

"Let me see", Imran came closer.

He tickled the my side and I yelped. Everyone in the living room was looking at me.

"Imran! I am warning you for the last time! No more touching", I whispered yelled at him.

"Oh we'll see about that tonight dear wife", he whispered and I hit his hand which was reaching for me again. All the while biting back my smile. I missed him so much all week.

"Ehem... Bhai... If you want you can go upstairs you know", Mariam said keeping her eyes on the puzzle.

"No Mariam, we don't need to go anywhere", I told her narrowing my eyes at Imran. He was trying to contain his laughter.

We heard a painful cry and everyone's heads turned to Amna who was lying unconscious on the floor.

"Amna!", Fahad bhai hurried to her.

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