Chapter 18

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Author: Since I'm getting mild writes block for Three kings, I figured why not update this one lol, three needs must be done on friday huh, any way enjoy, so on, and so forth love ya.



"Phew, you look good!" Gauis exclaimed, as he watched Serin walk down the stairs. The midnight blue gown hugged her curves. While the front dipped sharply giving a clear view of her smooth, dark skin. The diamonds in her ears, were worth a fortune but...he hadn't told her that, nor had he told her that the shoes she currently wore wouldn't cost the average person a car. Actually, as he watched step onto the landing, and her body sway in the way a seductress practiced. He felt annoyed, as he now knew he would spend the evening keeping slobbering rich brats from his niece.

"Thanks..." She said with a grimace, jerking him from his distracting thoughts, she pulled at the front, "I'm guessing Cleo had someone take this thing in's too tight."

"Ah, enough of your whining!" Cleo snapped as she floated, down in a soft pink gown. That didn't fit her personality, but somehow worked for her.  She'd allowed her hair to grow out, and now it laid in soft ringlets against her round face.

"What with that look?" She said, looking at them both disgruntled at their shared expression of shock,

Serin recovered first, "" She paused and tilted her head, staring at Cleo, confusion clear on her face, "Well, I never thought you, um, innocent..." Serin's words trailed off as Cleo eyes flashed with anger.

"It looks good," Serin hurried to say, "Yeah. doesn't it Gaius?"

Gaius looked from Serin, to Cleo before he caught on, suddenly smiling awkwardly, "Ah, it-it sure does..."

Both of them smiled at her, Cleo narrowed her eyes on them both with suspicion. Before she humphed, "Whatever, let's go...I can't wait to play with Lucien."

The two shook their heads as they followed her out, towards the limo that awaited them outside.


Entering the old building, a beautiful structure of gothic imagination. The grey stone, was placed just so with high reaching roof. The gargoyles, that observed our entrance, caught my eye. I couldn't seem to the drag myself to move faster as Gaius and Cleo, were already far ahead of me.

Other people in fancy gowns, and wellmade suites made their way up the steps towards the entrance. Where light poured out, and music could be heard from. Pulling my shall closer, I wondered at the feeling of apprehension that kept bothering me.

Swallowing, I made my up the steps feeling as if I was moving towards something.

Ever since that kiss with Gavril, I had suffered from roaming thoughts. It wasn't in my nature to daydream, but somehow I was going a world record. Something about the way he made me fell, seemed almost familiar.

Yet...something about it, was more intense, more right.

Shuddering, as I handed my shawl over to coat check. A young women dressed in black slacks, and white shirt, with a simple bow tie motioned for me to continue up the hallway. After handing me a ticket with a number on it. Other guest milled here and there chattering about this and that.

I was too caught by the enchantment of the old building, despite my own status as vampire. It was unnerving stepping into set that seemed to call to my inner nature. High ceilings, with heavy bejeweled chandeliers that floated down over intricately designed marbled floors.

Music played in the back, a gentle tune that carried her over to Cleo, and Gaius who were laughing at something the Scorzzi male had said.

"Why do I always missed the joke?" She asked playing at being disappointing.

"Don't worry little sis," Gaius assured her, as he reached out to pick up a glass of champagne, "Lucien was just telling us about Cleo's clumsy flirting tactics."

"Shut up, Gaius." Cleo said, her eyes narrowed but her lips were quirked in a smile. "It wasn't that bad."

Lucien chuckled, patting her hand his pale skin a sharp contrast against Cleo's golden coloring, "Dear, you locked me in a room, then lost the key."

Cleo frowned, glaring up at him while simultaneously pouting, "Such memories are best forgotten, it happened so long ago..." She groaned.

I pressed my lips together in an effort not to laugh. Where was the fierce Cleo, I and Gaius knew so well...Gaius met my gaze, both of us jerked our eyes away from one another, or we would have truly lost it at that moment.

"'ve yet to introduce me..." A soft, accented voice spoke, cutting into our amusement. We all turned, to found ourselves facing the exact replica of Lucien only, it was a she. And she was beautiful, in a rose red gown, with black beads that reflected the light from the chandeliers. Dark, velvety eyes gazed at us. "The elders have kept me by their side since the beginning, one would think they would know how terribly boring it is listening to their old war stories."

She leaned forward, kissing her brother cheek, before she faced us, "Do...introduce me..." Her eyes sharpened on Gaius, who to my surprise expression became cold.

"There is no need," He said, "Leia, it has been long since the last we spoke."

A flicker of recognition entered her eyes, her face turning stiff, and her smile brittle, "Truly...the years have seemed to fly by, tell is the stray?"

Sensing the tensions building, Cleo and I shared a look, both hoping the other would step in.

"Wynter," Gaius said hard, "Is still enjoying the southern Spain with her husband."

"Ah," Leia said, a mocking look coming to her eyes, "So, she did chose him as I thought." Her laughed was dry, as she shook her head, but I couldn't help but see the pain in her eyes, "I believed you both would be happily living life in a quaint cabin in Northumberland."

"I'm sorry, but I think I need some air," Gaius suddenly said, nodding to Lucien, he turned and quickly disappeared into the crowd of people walking the ballroom.

Beyond confused, I watched him go before turning my gaze to Cleo who seeing my look, shook her head sharply. Mouthing 'later' to me, she turned her attention to the women Leia who watched Gaius go, her figure stiff and beautiful expression pained.

"Um," I cleared my throat and opened my mouth, but nothing would escape it. The tension was palatable. Trying again I smiled, "You must tell me where you got your dress, I am hopeless with finding good shops for clothes."

Cleo stared at me surprised, I wasn't sure because I'd made clothes the main topic, or the fact I"d actually managed to function in a social situation. Catching on she spoke as well, "Lesley is right, we've been lacks in finding good shopping."

Leia blinked at us, as if surprised we were stills standing there, she smiled slowly. Her brother reached out laying a hand on her shoulder, "I'll you three to speak of girlish stuff, while I speak with my father."

Soon, Leia and we were speaking of shoes, coats and the best places for brunch.


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