Chapter 23

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Author: This was ditch chapter...Boy! I wasn't sure what to write, and basically hit a wall...but luckily I've overcome it and now we continue one with it. YAY, enjoy!


Gaius slept on the couch while Serin sat in a chair, her arm wrapped around her arms as she stared at him. His chest slowly rose and fell, as if he hadn't fought off large indescribable beast. She sighed, letting her knees go she let her feet hit the floor softly.

She turned her gaze away from him to the stores destroyed interior, letting out a curse she had no choice but to start cleaning away the mess. Standing she walked over to one of the beast, and grabbing the back of its neck without even grunt as she lifted it, she rushed away. Appearing once again, she allowed herself to mentally drop the usual restraints as she moved, tossed and fixed everything.

She wiped sweat from her brow, as she watched the sun rise through the now missing window. Hearing something rustle, she turned around and frowned as she watched Gavin start to awaken.

Walking over to him, she rounded the counter and placed a hand on his forehead and sighed, removing her hand she stiffened when a hand reached up and grabbed her wrist.

"Why are you not scared?" Gavin spoke his eyes still closed, but his face turned towards her, his voice of soft but gruff with sleep, she could see the lines at the corner of his lips, "Why didn't you run?"

Serin eyes lifted from where his hand gripped her wrist, she didn't look at him but at the swept up glass in the corner of the room, the sunlight sparkled off the pieces and something seemed sad in that moment.

"I...I used to be afraid of the dark," she said her expression wistful, "My biggest fear as a child, was awakening to the dark depths of my room."

Gavin didn't speak watching the play of emotions that took over Leslie's face, his grip on her wrist lightening. "As I grew up, I forgot; my fear of the dark, but I wish I could go back to simply being afraid of the dark."

Her eyes slowly moved from the sparkling glass to meet, Gavin's now opened eyes. His green eyes meeting hers, hers showing longing and acceptance of something he couldn't understand. "What does one have left to fear when they've become darkness its self?" She asked, her eyes flashing red, for a brief moment.

Gavin felt is heat chill at the sight, seeing his shock her eyes quickly returned to the greyish brown. She dropped her head, and removed her hand from his hold. "I'll get you something to drink," She said quietly said quickly standing and leaving his side.

Serin disappeared from sight, and paused just around the corner. She paused and leaned against the wall, and placed light fingers where he'd gripped her. She could still feel his warmth there, she closed her still seeing the shock and for a moment a flash of disgust.

He didn't know...she was a vampire.

She removed her hand from her wrist, but she knew he'd figure it out soon enough. And when he did? Would he use her, or...hate her? She straightened and moved her hand to her side, even if he did she wasn't going to care...he wasn't anyone who mattered to her future plans.

Hardening her resolve to go forth with her plans, she continued on her way upstairs.


Sitting outside watching cars drive by, I was watching the sun rise and as it was a Friday it was only right that traffic be heavy as night turned to dawn,

"How long have you been out here?" My sister asked on a yawn, she pulled her grey robe tighter around her from where she stood in the doorway she glared at the mist still floating in the air, "Its—too early."

I shrugged, resting my chin on my knees, "Just an hour...couldn't sleep."

"Ah," was the only noise my sister made as she lowered her arms, a sheepish look coming to her face, "A nightmare."

She plopped down next to me, her hand coming around my shoulder, as she leaned her head against mine, "Was it bad?"

No one bothered to ask anymore, they all knew I had them. Moments where Serin stood before me alive, and smiling. Her eyes bright with her witty humor, and her hand out reaching for me to take.

My older sister, her hand taking my smaller one but when my fingers brushed hers the scene would change, and she would slowly fade into the twilight that grew from her feet. Her body pulled away by unseen hands, and then in a moment of I would scream, and cry out for to stay and not leave me.

Yet, there in the background would be a man, of awesome and height and his eyes not red, nor of any color would stare at me as if he'd been searching. And once he'd scene he would rush towards me, his hands out like claws, and his dark-black skin an inhuman color.

"Have you been taking the pills the doctor gave you?"

Jerked out of my roaming thoughts, I glanced at my sister before turning my eyes back to the road, "No, I haven't I don't want to."

Instead of insisting that she should take them, and turning their moment into something dark, she nodded, "I get it."

Her sister drew her close, "I get it." She said once more together we watched the traffic.


Across the street, hidden by the trees of the neighborhood sat a black car. The Tennessee greenery, and thick mist made it hard to notice.

"They look like her," Cardinal said, the complex emotion showed thinly in that sentence, and as his lover wasn't with him he turned to the two Roman house hold members that were with him, "My love, and her sister looks so similar they must have been very close."

Julie glanced over at her brother, before she smiled, "Who knows? I only spoke with them for a moment...and that wasn't the pleasurable experience for them, after all I was telling their sister had been murdered."

"Hmph," Cardinal said, crossing his arms, "Well they'll be glad to know that was a lie," he smiled then, "It's only right we reunite the family."


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