Chapter 20

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Author: That moment you luckily wrote, hope you guys enjoy.

Gavril had fallen back when  Lesly pushed him away, stumbling back he stared at her. Only to find a terrified expression on her face, he made a step towards her but she cringed away on him. Her eyes on something unseen.

"" She begged, and muttered as she shook her head, his body stiffened, "stop, no more...please..."

He walked towards her, only to freeze when blood red eyes turned on him. The sorrow etched into her eyes took his breath away. Her lips moved silently, as if she spoke through water, before she made a jerky movement, and then her eyes widened in a silent scream.

Her eyes rolled back, and fell forward, but before he could catch her.

A man appeared catching her, "I got you, I got you." He said, picking her into his arms, he turned towards Gavril, his silvery gold eyes narrowed on him, "You, wills stay away from her."

"What?" Gavril said, stepping forward as his anger increased, before he could get a near a sharp short blade met his throat. His eyes met similar silvery-golds.

"There, there I don't want to have you bleeding all over my dates patio." The young woman smirked, "Do as he says," Her expression turned cold, and her eyes feral, "stay away."

In a flash of movement, they were gone as if the passing wind had swept them away.

Gavril fell forward, stopping short he turned around running back into the banquets, searching but seeing hair nor tail of the two, or Lesly.

He cursed, before it finally hit him hard...Lesly.... she was...He shook his head, unwilling to believe it.

She was too normal to be a vampire, it had to be them...they were doing something to change her. His resolve to save her hardened, and quickly left the ball, leaving the car for his sister he, caught a taxi and headed back to HQ.


Serin was having a horrible dream.

She was in the woods...the one's she loved to explore when she'd first turned into vampire. The thick woods of South Carolina surrounded her, and the feeling of peace surrounding her was absolute. Yet she knew something...something was hiding in the shadows watching her.

The sun was swiftly descending as the moon was rising, the sky taking on a crimson color Serin shuddered as her skin crawled as she turned, and the silence was broken by the shouts and screams of people jeering.

Before her she appeared, her eyes holding only broken thoughts. As she struggled against the hold of a man, whose arms wrapped around her as if in a lover's embrace, yet the way he stared at her was cold, and seemed only to hunger.

She let out a pained scream, as the man lowered his mouth to her doppelgangers throat and seared it with his teeth, taking everything she had left with in before he jerked his head up and sick grin of victory on his face.

Terrified that the same thing would happen to her, she ran as fast as she could push herself away from the horrible sight, but three steps and she found herself in a bathroom. The water splashed catching her attention, seated in the bathtub was another version of her. Her eyes were painfully wide, and a wide manic smile twisted her lips.

Scared, but unable to deny her curisotiy, she walked over to the bath tub. Her form not moving, or reacting to her at all.

Kneeling next to the tub, she reached out only to scream when the head jerked towards her, it's hand slicing out of the water to catch hers, she struggled against her copies hold, as it leaned forward the water she realized was blood, as it splashed onto the white tiles, "He only loves this Serin", she crooned as she drew the trembling Serin closer, "He only wants us if we're covered in blood," she lifted her other arm out a long jagged cut slicing down the inner side of her forearm, "Our blood!" She screamed.

Serin jerked her arm out of her hold, and fell back into the dark abyss of her memories.


My eyes opened, the light above hurt so much I cried out in pain as I rolled to my side covering my face. Cringing away from it, I couldn't stop the tremors running through my body.


Someone called out, I could hear feet as the ran across the floor over to me. "Serin...Serin, tell me what's wrong."

Their voice was too loud, moving my hands from eyes that had slowly ceased to sting I covered my ears and pulled away from the person. "Quiet!" I harshly snapped, slowly opening my eyes the sight of the person was blurry till it started to clear, eventually I realized it was Gaius who stood looking at me with concern.

Swallowing, I winced at how dry my throat felt. Lowering my hands from my ears, the ringing having ceased as well. "Water..." I whispered, and Gaius immediately left for the kitchen using his vampiric speed, only to return with Cleo on his heels. Both of them looking at me with worry, and ...fear.


Taking the glass from him, I desperately drank it down the cool feel easing the scorching heat in my throat. Soothing the ache in my stomach, I opened my mouth wide desperate for the last drop.

Lowering the glass to my lap, I took a moment to breath in and out, trying to stop the swirling mix of memories and thoughts. Blankly, I stared forward, "Gaius..." I called softly.

"Yes," He said tensing, I could feel his eyes penetrating into the side of my face, he was probably probing to see if he could read me.

"...Is it true," I swallowed, "That you shot me?" Hearing his small gasp, I slowly turned my eyes to his guilt ridden face, "So...I'm guessing it's true then..."

"He had no choice!" Cleo cut in, her voice pained, "We-! We had not choice!"

"You could have killed me."

Both he and Cleo seemed frozen, I continued, "You could have killed me, and ended this farce of an existence!"I yelled, throwing the glass and with my strength it smashed into the wall.

"I can't—," I slapped my hand against my chest, gripping it as I trembled, "I can't—Don't deserve to continue to many!?"

Gaius lowered his eye away from mine, I knew he knew what I meant. "How many have I killed...Gaius?! I have a right to know!"

"I didn't count." He said softly, he jerked his eyes back up to my face. His own blazing, "But! I would do what I did again! Serin, I would shoot and take  all your memories again. As my niece I will protect you!"


I stood, and rushing towards the both of them and grabbing each I shoved them out. Ignoring their cries of pain as they slammed against the wall, I whirled slamming the door behind myself and locking it.

"SERIN! I'm sorry—," Gaius voice wobbled, as I felt his presence right outside of the door, "But..." He whispered, I could smell his salt tears, "I couldn't lose the last proof of existence of my're his daughter...I can't lose you."

I didn't speak, as I slid down the wall and plopped on the ground. I could only  stare blindly ahead at my bed, and windows.

Nothing seemed as bright as it did when I first arrived in the big city. Everything I'd thought to be true was a lie, and I was...a murderer.

I shakily moved my hands into view, a flash of blood appeared on them, before with a shake of my head and hard blink it disappeared. Letting out a wail, I fell forward in curled in on myself.

Everything...I remembered everything.

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