Chapter Twenty- Mr. Black Richmond

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Chapter Twenty: Mr. Black Richmond

My mind was blocked with thousands assumptions coming in and out... causing my breathing to slow down to an unusual rate. I walked over to my locker where Sophie was already waiting for me. I approached her and greeted her with our usual hug.

"You okay? You look really pale." Soph said, noticing the look on my face.

Quickly, I changed the worry into a fake smile.

"Nothing. Just my parents..."

"Oh," she said, as if she knew I was lying.

"Where's Kim?" I asked, slipping out my History book from my locker.

"She wasn't feeling very well today. So, she stayed home."

I slammed the locker shut and Soph turned off her phone's screen to give me her full undivided attention.

"Is she okay? She didn't text me this morning. If she's staying home, at least she used to text us." I said, in a defensive tone, sounding totally concerned.

"I know... I thought the same thing. Maybe she forgot or something. Chill, I've already called her once and left her a text to call whenever she wakes up."

I nodded, still not sure if I should be concerned or not.

Soph looped her arm with mine and updated me on her Photoshoots and other things along with Justin and Martin being stuck for practice for the entire day.

We walked to the class together. We shared History and Econ and I was really grateful for that. I just didn't want to be alone and let Aria win over my head.

"So..." She trailed not completing until I looked at her, once we were seated in our usual seats—side by side.

"I thought you liked him. I mean, you know... after you told us the whole Real Evan story. I didn't know you were still mad at him about everything he did. "

My heart thumped loudly in my chest, as I stared at her blankly.

One thing was certain. I was getting blamed for something that's happened to Evan.

But, what?

Frustrated, I sighed, "I don't know what's happening at all! First Aria and now, you... Soph, I'll get insane if soon someone didn't put together all the pieces for me. I didn't do anything... I don't even know what's happening?!" I explained, with head in my hands, as if it weighed more than my whole body.

I reminisced the kiss I shared with him in my dreams. It was... Beautiful. I would never hurt him, that was for sure.

"Hey... I'm sorry. I really thought you knew and just didn't want to talk about it." She half hugged me before continuing, "I think Evan's getting expelled."

My heart jumped into my mouth, stopping the breathing process for once and for all. Ex..pel?

"Why?" I was surprised that I managed to ask.

"... There's a word around the school that your dad did this for you. Someone overheard Dean' telephone conversation with your dad."

I knew dad would definitely do something about it but, I didn't expect that he would get him expelled.

I felt as if my cheeks were suddenly damp and really hot.

"Why are you crying, Elle? I promise we'll figure out a way to save him." And that answered my mystery of wet cheeks. Soph pulled me out of the class, just as soon as the teacher entered.

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