Chapter Forty Two- It's not a goodbye

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Chapter Forty Two: It's not a goodbye

"What???" All of them yelled together causing John to barge into the room.

"Is everything okay here?" His troubled face furrowed at us and I nodded in assurance while all four of these stupid people stood still with their jaws hanging open.

Dramatic much?

John nodded, and left the room.

At first it was decided to stay over at Soph's but then Kim got sick and we thought to come over at hers instead.

"You are bringing JOSH as your date?"

I nodded, and Kim plopped down on the bed sighing while Martin hugged her.

Sophie and Justin were deadpanned gazing at me like I had grown two heads.

"You guys did hear the part where he literally forced me to ask him for the dance, right?" I rolled my eyes and plopped down on the green bean bag beside the bed.

"I was left with no choice. My dad would've killed me right there if I hadn't passed him that stupid bowl of spaghetti." I explained, sighing and pulled my legs closer to my chest to rest my head on the knees.

"What about Evan...?" I was shocked to hear this question coming from Justin because he hadn't clearly called Nobody anything but asshole or jerk until now, and also I didn't think he was okay with me being with Nobody.

"Back to earth please..." Sophie waved her hand in front of me and I rolled my eyes before smiling at her.

"I don't know anything about him. He hasn't even asked me if I'm going yet, and FYI, I had called him like four times, left two texts, and three voice mails. And heard absolutely nothing back." I informed and saw Kim's face falling in disappoint.

After Martin became friends with Nobody-- kinda-- she realized how good of a person he actually was. She was definitely team Evan now.

"It's okay. If he did, good. And if he didn't, his loss. And you'll always have us." Kim grabbed my hand and gave it a little squeeze.

Everyone knelt beside me and we shared a group hug. This was us. This was my family.

I heard Soph cry and we all looked at her, surprised. She wasn't usually the sensitive type. So yeah, it got us anxious.

I grabbed her close to me, "You okay?" Kim had her arm around Soph while Justin and Martin sat here on the floor, asking her what was up.

She wiped her tears and sniffed. She crossed her legs and took a breath. "Remember I told you guys that there was something I needed to tell..."

We all nodded our heads in unison.

"I landed a modeling contract in New York for an international fashion magazine." Her grin made both Kim and me jump on her, wrapping ourselves around her.

We laughed and pulled away.

"But, there's a catch..." She whispered and my heartbeat kicked up a notch or two.

"What?" we asked.

"I have to leave... like tomorrow. Dad pulled some strings and got me an early GED. I'm not gonna make it to the ball or prom or to the graduation anymore. The contract's for two fucking years. And it's a huge one, guys... I-I don't know."

We all plopped back on the floor, sighing. Trying to grasp the reality of this situation.

My heart sunk back.

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