Chapter Twenty One- Heart-attack

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Chapter Twenty-One: Heart-attack

Devastated would've been an understatement; if I had said it. I didn't let Evan get over my head and started walking back to the school. One good thing, that his apartment and school wasn't that far at all. And I didn't seem to mind some ME time.

I really wanted to just go home and cry in my blanket but, I had some responsibilities on my shoulder, which were prior to me.

As soon as I got back to school, I received a text from Soph telling me that the case had triggered towards Marcus. I was extremely relieved to read that, as if a huge rock was picked up from my chest.

Marcus's the one being expelled for good and Evan has been excused. I was more than happy but, then everything came back about what he did.

Why did he do that? He looked in a pretty good mood and I even thought for once—just for once that he might feel something other than hatred for me but, no, I was totally mistaken. He hates me... and that breaks me!

After, somehow, attending my last lecture, I worked my extra hours with my team–excluding Evan, in the gym. There was still so much to do and the days suddenly felt shorter to us.

It was 5:30 when I sat on the steps of the school waiting for Marissa to pick me up. I texted her to leave early, as I was already finished for today.

What about the call? He kicked me out probably after he got that call... Who was calling him?

His dad...?

Yes! His dad's the only person he hates more than me...

But, I couldn't do anything in that matter until he will let me in and tell me things about him and his past. He was like a mystery no one was able to solve it. Not even me.

I scrolled down the screen of my Iphone, looking at his phone number, thinking what to do with it. Especially now when he made pretty sure, he doesn't like me at all and doesn't want to be friends.

Should I just delete it or keep it? I'm not obsessed or something...

Definitely not!

I was about to press the delete when I heard ruffling of boots. I looked up at my right and saw Justin in his basketball jersey, striding with long steps towards me.

I lowered my gaze, knowing he saw me looking at him. I knew why he was here and I was glad he was.

"You mind?" He asked, with his doe eyes, gesturing towards the empty space beside me on the stair.

I nodded and he plonked down, rubbing his hands together. The air had started turning chilly mostly in the evening since few weeks.

I looked in his eyes expectantly, waiting to hear his side of apology.

"Now, don't look at me like that!" Justin whined, running a hand through his blonde hair.

"Like what?" I shrugged innocently as if I had no clue of what he was saying.

"Like you-know-I'm-gonna-apologize look!"

"Then just say it, Jus."

He huffed a sigh and draped his arm around my shoulder. "I'm really sorry for being a Jerk to you that night. I really had no idea how to react to a situation where your best friend tells you that she's in love with your best enemy..."

I chuckled at the way he said it.

"No... There's no L word involved! And I was just being me. I like helping people and I thought you knew that." I tried to turn the tables and it seemed to work, as he considered my explanation.

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