Chapter Seven

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Sherlock woke to the sound of the kettle whistling, letting him know that John was already awake.


After years of wishing, years of wanting, the adorable blogger was finally his.

He yawned quietly and stretched like a cat before making his way into the kitchen, where he was greeted with a cup of steaming tea being shoved in his face.

"Good morning" He drawled, amused as John flushed and turned away to finish making breakfast for the two of them.

They sat together and ate in a very uncomfortable silence, and in that moment Sherlock wished (not for the first time when with John) that he was a little less socially inapt and could figure out something to say without making things even more awkward.

"Lovely weather, isn't it?"

As soon as the words left his mouth Sherlock was kicking himself. Lovely weather? Could you sound any more stupid? God, that was almost as bad as something Anderson would say.

John froze for a second before cracking a grin and bursting out laughing, breaking the tension.

Sherlock didn't understand exactly why his stupid comment about the weather amused John so much, but he felt a grin that matched John's breaking out across his face.

He chuckled softly as he waited for John to recover, all traces of nervousness disappearing as he watched him laugh.

"Lets go somewhere, tonight. Just you and me" He offered tenderly, reaching over to touch Johns hand.

John immediately stopped laughing and a pink tinge crossed his face.

"Are you asking me on a date, Sherlock?" He teased, but the detective could hear the uncertainty in his voice.

"Yes" Sherlock tilted his head away, embarrassed again. "Of course" John's reply came and Sherlock whipped his eyes back up, beaming.

"Fantastic! It's going to be perfect, I promise."


The restaurant Sherlock picked out for his and Johns first official date was nice, but it wasn't over the top fancy where you felt like you would be kicked out if you spilt something or came dressed too casually.

They sat opposite each other at a table next to the window where they could see the London traffic whizzing by, everyone too intent on their destination to notice the beauty around them.

The only beauty Sherlock really ever noticed though was in the man sitting opposite him. John was gazing out the window and Sherlock took the opportunity to memorize every feature of his face for the thousandth time.

"Ah, Sherlock. Last I heard you were dead!" The owner of the restaurant came over, not sounding at all put out or even surprised that Sherlock was in fact, alive.

After all, Sherlock had solved an 'unsolvable' case for him many years ago, so he probably believed the man could do anything. Coming back from the dead? Easy.

"Wine for you and your date?" He asked cheerfully and Sherlock pointed one out to him off the menu, feeling his stomach twist and jump with joy because for the first time, John didn't deny being his date.

Which reminded him that they were, in fact, on a date. Therefore, John was..... Actually his date.

Of course Sherlock had known that this was a date, however it hadn't really sunk in until then.

He couldn't stop his leg bouncing up and down as he watched Johns face for signs that he was enjoying - or not enjoying - himself.

"Is this okay?" he found himself asking desperately and John looked over, looking far too amused at the whole situation.

"Sherlock, calm down. It's not like we haven't done this a thousand times before." He still sounded amused and Sherlock shifted uncomfortably.

"Yes, but this is our first real date. I want you to have a good time. Everything needs to be perfect."

John laughed and Sherlock shifted again. How was he so relaxed? Did this not mean as much to him as it did to Sherlock?

"Sherlock, we're here, finally together. this is more then okay. Honestly, as long as we're together everything is perfect." John replied patiently.

Sherlock sighed, knowing that John was probably right. "I know, I know. I just want to to be happy when you're with me."

John smiled as he reached across the table to grab Sherlocks hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"I'm having a great time Sherlock. I'm always happy when I'm with you."

Sherlock felt his heart soaring at those words, and he finally let himself relax as their wine was brought over.

He even managed a smile as he squeezed Johns hand, and the blogger beamed at him, making his heart melt with the overwhelming love he felt for this man.

I Don't Deserve You (A Johnlock Fic)Where stories live. Discover now