Chapter 5

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Hi loves!  I decided to write this chapter first since something is wrong with my previous story 'My Enemy, My Mate'. So hope you like this. Thanks for reading BTW. Btw, random question, who likes pizza and cheese and more cheese and much moreeeee cheeseeee? I do!

Winter's POV:

Stupid boss, arrogant asshole, controlling think you can control my life? Think again...

Unlocking my door, I jumped back in horror when he came into view. His back lying on a brand new L-shaped sofa, arms spread by his sides.

"Seems like you're back." He smirks as he crosses his leg, staring at my confused face. Number 1, how did he get in? Number 2, where is my sofa? Number 3, why is he here?
Number 4, is this my home?

"Baby girrrrrl."

"What?" I snapped unknowningly at him. Shit! I'm going to get fired.


"None taken baby girl. Oh must be wondering how I got in and why I'm here, well, let me explain myself. Your door was unlocked at the first place, my meeting was cancelled suddenly as the main dude couldn't appear today, your sofa is changed as yours is too badly burned and yes, this is your home. I only just added a few more things to touch up your rat nest. Oh ya, I also stocked up the cabinets and fridge with ingredients of all sorts so if you are hungry, just feel free to use them." Is he a darn mind reader? And the sofa and things he bought....they must cost a bomb. I can't accept them.

"I can't accept them." His eyes narrowed slightly before he raised an eyebrow.

"Why not?"

"It's too much. I can't pay you back for all these no matter how long I work for you." I panicked as I thought of the depts piling up and the prices of these items just adds to the burden. Then he chuckled deeply, shaking his head in humour.

"What's so funny?"

"I didn't say you need to pay me back, it's on the house."

"No. I can't accept these. Take them back.I don't need-"

*ding dong! *

" Who is it?!" I opened the door to see a professionally dressed gentleman standing at the door.


"Are you Ms Clarkson? "


"Who's the owner of this flat? Where's Mr Clarkson? Is he in there?"

"You mean my dad? He left me and went running away to I have no idea where."

"Oh that very sad to hear off but I have some bad news for you. " bad is it?

"You have to move out of your flat by the end of this week as the bank will be taking over your flat as your father had failed to pay the bank what he owed them for years. He also set this apartment on mortgage so please kindly move out by then. Sorry and have a nice day." Saying that, the guy quickly walked away.

"What?! Move out?! Where am I going to go then?! How to have a nice day after hearing your words...." What is happening to my life? I rather be off dead. At least I will have no worries.

"Ms Winter?" I looked up at him with watery eyes to see a pained expression on his face.


"Why don't you come and live with me? I mean, I have many guest rooms that are vacant."

" I don't wish to impose you." I shook my head unwillingly. I would rather live under a bridge then stay in my boss's apartment and bother him.

"No you wouldn't. I like to have some company too. I'm all alone at home."

"But-" I can't pay for his rent...

"How about this, instead of paying me back using money, you can be my personal cook and maybe help clean up the laundry? "

"But I- I...have no idea...can you give me a moment to think about it?"

"Sure. I'll be waiting for a reply tomorrow during work if you decide to turn up."

"Mmhmm...thanks Mr Knight."

"You're welcome. Good night then. " Shutting the door close, I couldn't help but break down.

Why is this happening to me? Why must I suffer in what my father's place? First I have a heavy dept by the loan sharks he owes then I have to pay for the electricity and water bills and now my house is going to get taken away?!

"Arghh!" A sharp pain suddenly erupted in my chest, forcing my eyes to shut in pain and my hands to run to my chest, trying to clutch my chest to reduce the pain, but failing horribly due to the lack of focus I have. My heart constricts tightly, causing it hard for me to breath or think, my whole mind clouding and my vision darkening just doesn't help.

Where are my pain killers?  Urghh! Shit! Where are they? Found it. Popping two into my mouth quickly, the pain slowly subsided, leaving a throbbing pain in my chest. I better get some rest or I'll be late for work tomorrow. I can't be late for work...I need even much more money to pay for house rental.

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