Chapter 7

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Hi loves! Sorry for not updating for so long. If you all want, y'all can read my other stories too if you're interested in werewolf or fanfics.

Sorry but I won't be updating for some time cuz my exams are around the corner and I can't afford to screw up. Let me tel you, triple science and double math is just a freaking burdennn! I'm drowning in those concepts and formulas. Helppp meeee!😖

Zachary's POV:

This is bad. How can she just faint all of the sudden and so often? This is totally not usual. There's something wrong with her, I just feel it.

"Family of Ms Winter Clarkson?" The doctor called out as he came out of the emergency room.

"Yes? I'm her fiance. How is she?"

"I have good news and bad news. Good news is, she's alive."

"Bad news is?"

"She's currently still unconcious and also, we can't say for sure but we suspect that there's something causing this." Shit! If I've taken care of her properly, she might not even be in the hospital or even freaking unconscious! What the hell is wrong with you Zachary!?

"That's exactly what I'm thinking doc. Can you help her to do a full body checkup?"

"Yes we will, Mr Knight. Rest assured."

"Thank you."

"No problem, Mr Knight. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to set up the room for Ms Winter's checkup."

"Yes please. Go ahead. Thank you."

"No problem, Mr Knight. Have a nice day." With that, he turned away and walked to wherever he needs to go to.

Nice can I have a nice day if the one I love is hospitalized? Do I... love her? I don't know...

*Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling. And every time we kiss, I swear I could fly. Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I-*


"Sir? It's me, Thomas "

"Yea? What do you want Thomas? "

"Erm...Mr Hans is here in your lobby, demanding to see you now."

"For? "

"He says it's got to do with cancelling the agreement."


"Umm...let me ask......he says that it's not fair for his side. He loses more profit than you."

"Well he signed it, I didn't force him. Oh yeah, ask him to turn over to the last page, right at the bottom of the agreement before he decides to talk about cancelling the agreement. Ask him to call me personally if he still wants to cancel it. Thank you."

"Noted Sir."

"Good. Now inform everyone to not contact me unless it's an emergency. I'm busy right now."

"Yes Sir. "

"Thanks. Bye." Hanging up, I spotted the exact same doctor walking anxiously down the hallway as he searched for me. Shit...I'm guessing there's bad news. Cross my fingers.


"Oh there you are Mr Knight! I was finding for you."

" is she?"

"Oh...about that...I'm sorry to say but she's-" What did he just say? It can't be he must have made a mistake! This is not happening to my baby girl. It can't

Winter's POV:

Urgh...what happened?  Why the freak am I in the hospital again?!

Huh? Mr Knight? He seem uncomfortable sleeping on the chair...

"Mr Knight? Mr Knight?" I shook him gently as he let out murmurs of incoherent words. Haha. He's cute asleep.

"Mr Knight? Wake up? Wakie wakie."

"Mhmmm...go away Winter...let me sleep..." He shooed me away as he continued sleeping. I bet that his neck and back is going to be aching once he wakes up.

"Wait...Winter?!" He shot up suddenly as he stared at me with wide eyes in disbelief. Is there... anything wrong with me?


"Oh my god! You're awake! Nurse! Doc! Anyone!? I can't believe it! You're finally awake." He ran out and ran back in screaming like a mad man before sitting by my side.

" neck and back are so stiff, I feel like an old man." He groans as he stretched like a lion which just woke up from it's nap. I told you so it will be like that.

"Umm...what happened?"

"You don't remember?" He peered worriedly into my eyes as he held onto my hands softly. Okay.....this is very...very awkward...

Shaking my head, he sighed," We were preparing to have dinner but you fainted suddenly and you're here."

I fainted? Again? Seriously? I think I seriously need a oxygen tank. Haha.

"What the hell you're laughing about?" He raised an eyebrow as he stare at me like he's seeing a mad woman.

"I find it hilarious that I keep fainting out of no where that I thought that I should just buy an oxygen tank." I burst out laughing at my 'joke' but he just stared at me furiously and with a hint of sadness.

"You think it's funny? For you to just faint so....frequently? "

"Yeah. Don't you?"

"No! I don't that it's funny at all!"

"What the hell man. Calm your tits! Don't need to get your dick in a twist." He breathes out shakily as he falls onto the chair beside my bed.

"How do you even expect me to calm down?" He questions as he held his head down, fists clenched so hardly that I can even see his veins popping out.

" there something...wrong?" He look up slowly at me. The heartbreaking sight of his bloodshot eyes and tears running down his cheeks just makes me want to wrap him in my arms and tell him that everything will be alright.

"No..nothing is...wr-wrong." He looks away from me with hurt and pain in his eyes. No...something is wrong.

"Tell me. I can handle it. Please. It has something to do with me right?" He remained unmovingly as he continued to stare far away.

"Tell me!" I grabbed onto his hand tightly as he stood up to leave.

"You have stage 2 cancer dammit!" C-cancer? I-I have...cancer? No...he must be lying. Today's April fool's day right? It's a prank right? It must be a must be.

"It''s a p-prank r-right?" He stood there motionlessly as more tears fell from his face and onto the cold floor. It's...not a prank? How? How is that possible? How is it even possible?!

"What...type?" I want to scream and shout and let it all out but I'm too shocked for words.

"Heart cancer..." 

I hate my life...

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