Chapter 11

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Hi loves!! Sorry for not updating for so long. Just got back all my exam results and how to say....sort of disappointed but glad that I didn't fail English. :P

Zachary's POV:

"Za-Zac-ch?" Turning around quickly to the source from my work, Winter came into view as she clenched her chest tightly, significantly showing her pain.

"Oh my. What happened love?"

"C-Can't...b-breathe." With that, her eyes fluttered shut as her body fell forward onto me.

"Winter? Winter! Wake up Winter! Don't scare me. Shit!" I immediately lay her unconcious body on the sofa as I dialed for the ambulance.

" feel so cold. Don't give up okay? Please Winter! For me. Keep fighting! Please...I beg you. Don't leave me...I need you. I need you by my side.

If you die, I'll kill myself to join you. I mean it. I can't live without you here with me. up. Let me see your beautiful pair of bright and gorgeous eyes." I brawled my eyes out at the thought of losing her. I can't lose her. I can't.

"Sir, please get away from her."


"Please, we need to send her to the hospital as quickly as possible...or it may be too late." I stare up at the paramedics with tear filled eyes as they glanced at Winter anxiously.

What the hell am I doing? Instead of letting them help Winter, I'm keeping them away. Urghhh! What the f**k are you thinking Zachary Knight?!

Stepping away swiftly, they moved her carefully into the ambulance and sped off as they hook her up to weird looking machines.

"What's her heart rate?"


"Stand back."

Staring blankly at the scene uncovered before me just makes me want to puke. I can't stand the sick feeling in me when the thought of losing her went through my mind.

"Oh lord or any gods in heaven, Winter get through this bravely and successfully. Please let her battle her demons with courage and remind her never to give up. Please...let her live. At least a bit longer. Just give me enough time to love her as much as she deserves to be loved. Thank you..." I muttered a silent prayer as I took a quick peek at her, unable to contain my tears that threatens to fall once again.

"Sir? Sir?" Huh? Who's calling me?

"Huh? Where are we- wait. Where's Winter?!" Realisation dawned upon me as I searched for Winter frantically.

"Calm down sir. She is on the way to the emergency room now." Emergency room? E-Emergency room?!

"I need to go!" Jumping off the ambulance, I dashed off to the emergency room, onpy to be stopped by the stupid thick glass doors which will not fucking open at all.

"Open up! Anyone hear me?!" I banged against the darn glass doors only to get pulled away violently by a petite nurse.

"Sir, please keep your volume down. You cannot go in no matter what." She states firmly as she glares at me.

"Why not?!"

"Sir, it is against our policy to allow anyone else other than our own staffs to enter the room. Please, I believe you can understand that we are doing our best to save your girlfriend." My girlfriend...what am I doing? I can't go in there and disturb them...what if I cause even more damage?

"Urghhh!" Winter is making me think more before I do something recklessly like I always did beforehand.

"Thank you very much sir. I wish you all the best." Nodding slightly at her well wishes, she left quietly, leaving me alone in the hallways.

Silent...Cold...Still...Lifeless... Unbearable...It is like a living hell.



"Sorry Mr Knight but you have a meeting with Mr Richard Dennick in an hour time." Oh...I almost forgot. Fuck this. Why do I always have a meeting when my girl lands into the hospital?! This is freaking bullshit! But I can't cancel this meeting...he is a very important client.

"I'll be there for the meeting. Thanks for reminding me."

"No worries Mr Knight. It is my duty."

" Miss?"

"Yes? Do you need any help?"

"Yeah. Can you call me once Winter Clarkson is out of the emergency room?" I handed her my name card as she took a brief look at it.

"May I know what is your relationship with her?"

"I'm...her husband."

"Okay. I'll notify you once she's out." She smiled warmly as she place my card away.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Winter's POV:

Urghh...where am I? Why can't I see anything?

Zachary? Anyone?

Za- urghh!

My feels so...tight. I can't breathe.

Help me! Someone!

I open my mouth to call for help but no words came out. Instead, I feel like I'm air supply soon emptied.

I can't breathe...I'm falling...

"We are losing her! " Losing...who?

"Shit! The Knight will not be glad." Knight? Zachary?

Where are you Zach? I need your help. I can't feel myself.

My eyes slowly shut on its own accord. Claiming my life and my soul...

Goodbye Zach...

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