Here For You

91 4 3

~Mark POV~

Y/n handed me a plate with pizza. "I know it's not a lot, but hopefully this is okay."

I smiled at her, giving her a hug of gratitude as well. "No it's fine, thank you."

She simply smiled, sitting across from me at her table. Just as I bit into the the slice of hot, cheesy pizza, my stomach growled, making Y/n and I laugh. "You are not allowed to have only cheez-its for dinner anymore," she joked.

I chuckled, taking another bite. "Hey, it's not my fault. It's not like I could've eaten in front of the kid's parents anyways."

She smiles and nods before placing her elbow on the table and resting her chin in her palm. After sitting in silence for a while, I finally say, "Thank you."

Y/n snaps out her daze, looking at me with wide eyes. "Hmm?"

"Thank you," I say again. "I really like having a place to stay, even if I've only been here for like, ten minutes."

She laughs, the sound making my heart flutter. "You're welcome, it's nice not being the only one in the house."

I smile, finishing the last bite of pizza. Suddenly the lights begin to flicker before fully going out and I pull my backpack closer to me, feeling my heart start to pound as my breathing accelerated. "Oh come on, not again," Y/n groans.

"What? What is it?" I ask, my words filled with panic.

"The power went out again, they've been having problems with it recently."

"T-That's okay," I stutter as I unzip my bag. "I've got the light that I collected earli... oh no."


"I think I used it all on accident," I whimper, dread filling me.

"Mark hold your hand out toward me," Y/n says calmly.

I do as she says, screaming when I feel something brush against my hand. "Oh crap, sorry. It's just me. Hold out your hand again."

Whimpering quietly, I hold out my hand again, feeling Y/n's hand find and wrap itself around mine. "Okay now stand up, slowly."

"Okay," I whisper, putting my trust in her as I stood.

She continues to hold my hand as she moves around the table, soon moving her hands to my shoulders. "Do you wanna go sit by the window?"

I nod my head, before remembering that she can't see me. "Yeah."

"Okay, I'm going to guide us over, just don't let go okay?"

"Okay," I say quickly as I hold her hand, letting her guide me over.

I listen to her as she pulls the curtains open, letting in the faintest slivers of light from the moon. "Come here, let's sit down."

I slowly lower myself to the ground, relieved when I can partially see Y/n's face. She smiles softly at me. "You okay?" she asks kindly.

I nod shakily. "Yeah, kind of."

She takes my other hand before leaning forward, gently brushing her lips against mine as she whispers, "Mark I promise that I'll always be here for you, whether it's light or dark."

I then tilt my head to the side, connecting my lips with her soft ones. Letting go of my hands, she wraps her arms around my neck, and I place one hand on her waist and the other on the back of her head, deepening the kiss. She smiles, and moves so she's straddling me. I gently bite her bottom lip as I run my fingers through her hair, earning a soft moan from her as she too plays with my hair.

We finally break the kiss, and I take in deep breaths of air, my heart pounding and my ears ringing from the outstanding experience. She smiles and runs her hand across my jaw before leaning in and kissing my neck, her smile widening when I gasp. I then wrap my arms around her waist and lay down, letting her lay her head on my chest. "Thank you Y/n," I whisper.

"M-hm," she hums, making my heart do that crazy yet enjoyable flutter it does when I'm close to her.

Smiling, I close my eyes, no longer scared now that I was laying with Y/n.

Authors Note

Well then. I'd have to say that there is pretty cute, wouldn't you agree? So I wrote the super long chapter and Abi wrote the super cute chapter, what else do you want? Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter AND WE WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES... In the next video!!!

All in all, Buh-Bye!! -C
Peace! -A

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