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~Mark POV~

I sat on the porch waiting for Y/n to get back. It was well past ten, and I was starting to get worried. Toaster purred as I stroked his back, and I laughed when he stretched out, clawing at the empty air. "Maybe she's waiting for me at the light, should we go check it out?" I asked the gray short hair.

I gently picked him up, holding him to my chest as I took off, carefully holding him so he wouldn't freak out. As I approached the street lamp, I spotted Y/n, who was sitting on the park bench. Sighing, I descended, gracefully landing next to the bench. Y/n immediately stood up and threw her arms around, letting out a nervous laugh. "Mark, I was so worried!"

Laughing, I hugged her with my free arm, gently rubbing her back. "Sorry, I was waiting for you at your house."

She pulled away, laughing. "Oh, sorry. I'll have to get you the spare key when we get back. How long were you waiting?"

"I don't know exactly. Four hours, maybe five?" I gently held out Toaster. "I was playing with this skinny guy, so I was pretty entertained."

Y/n gasped, picking up Toaster. "Oh my gosh, he is so adorable! Where'd you find him?"

"He was just out in the street, I'm pretty sure he's a stray."

She giggled as Toaster wiggled in her arms, then setting him down and kneeling next to him. "He is too cute! We are bringing him home!"

I laughed, kneeling next to her. "Are you sure?"

She nodded quickly. "Of course I am! Let's go home. We'll get him food tomorrow."

I chuckled, helping Y/n to her feet. "Okay, if you say so."

As we walked, Toaster followed close by, trotting as he occasionally glanced at us. I held Y/n's hand, laughing as she continued to gush over the slim but long cat. We finally made it back to Y/n's place, and she ran to open the door, grinning when Toaster trotted inside and flopped onto his side next to the door. I closed the door behind me, smiling as she rubbed Toaster's stomach. "You're too cute!" she cooed, moving her hand to the top of his head.

I dropped onto the couch, watching as Y/n continued to stroke Toaster. She lifted her head to look at me. "What're you looking at?" she smiled.

I rested my elbow on the arm of the couch. "The cutie who's petting the cat."

She rolled her eyes before crawling to the side of the couch, pecking my lips as she smiled. I rested my chin in my palm, using my free hand to run my fingers through Y/n's hair. Toaster suddenly jumped into my arms, startling me as Y/n laughed. Once my shock passed, I too laughed, scratching to top of Toaster's head. "Well you just want all of the attention don't you?"

He sneezed, making Y/n laugh even more. Grinning, I picked up Toaster and dropped him in Y/n's lap. "Here cat, go to your mother!"

She smiled up at me as she petted the cat. "Does that mean you're the father?"

I shrugged. "I guess."

Her smiled turned into a grin. "Does that mean you're my boyfriend?"

I smiled and leaned over the side of the couch, gently kissing her. "Yes."

Toaster meowed loudly, making Y/n and I laugh. I laid my head on the arm of the couch, reaching down to pet Toaster. "We're going to be the best parents ever."

Y/n smiles and kisses my cheek. "I love you Mark."

I smile and kiss her back. "I love you too Y/n."

Author's Note
So yay!! Toaster was accepted into the family and Mark officially has a girlfriend!! (Yay! -A) What could be better than that? But I can tell you what's worse... The next chapter... Just a warning... It's going to be a feels trip... Please don't hate me... AHHH!! Abi! Cover for meh!! *Runs for cover* (*shields Caitlin with an umbrella* -A) Anyway, I hoped you liked this chapter AND WE WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES... In the next video!!

All in all, Buh-Bye!!
Peace! -A

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