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~Mark POV~

I waited longer to leave the house today seeing as I wasn't scared out of my mind. I even slept in for a bit, but woke up in time to eat breakfast with Y/n before she had to leave for work. I played with Toaster some before I left myself, Y/n said that she'd buy some cat food on her way home from work today. I fed him some of our "human food" so he wouldn't be starving all day and gave him one last pat on the head before heading off to the park. Even though I had a decent breakfast, I silently willed them to bring me another cupcake. Sure, I wasn't a huge fan of their mother, but her cupcakes were fabulous. Maybe one with blue icing this time...

I sat by the tree like normal as I waited for them to show. Yesterday I only had the cupcake they brought me for lunch, and Y/n got mad at me for that. Soon, Emily and James arrived, but they didn't run to me like they normally do. They didn't race each other to see who could get here first, and it almost seemed as if they weren't sure they wanted to see me. What's happening? Just yesterday they promised they would never leave me, but they're acting odd towards me. Doubt crept up in my mind as they finally got within hearing range.

"Hey guys." I called out. They didn't say anything. They stopped in front of me, well out of arm's length, and James didn't come sit on my lap. "Guys?" I asked again.

"Hey Mark." Emily said, the mellowness of her voice sending an eerie feeling my way. It was so different compared to her normal energetic behavior.

"What's wrong?" I pressed, trying to figure out what was happening.

"We had a nightmare." Emily spoke again, now staring at me straight in the face. James did the opposite, studying the ground and really anywhere but me.

"Well, come here, we can get through it together." I said, still not putting 2 & 2 together.

"That's the thing, Mark. You were in it." I looked at her, confused.

"Both of us dreamed the same exact thing, so I'll save you the details and only tell you it once." I nodded and she finally took a seat, James sitting next to her.

"We came to the park like normal, and ran up to you as we normally do. We had brought you another cupcake, and you sat just like this, wings folded, legs crossed. The cupcake's icing was a deep blue, but when we handed it to you, it changed. It turned black. When we questioned it, you brushed it off and simply ate it, thanking us when you finished. But you were different. Your voice was deeper, raspier and your eyes, they weren't brown. They were the deepest, darkest black you've ever seen. Your hair was redder, bloodier and it almost seemed to drip. Even your skin seem off, grayer. But we didn't seem to notice, and we sat on your lap like normal. We talked as we normally do, but James noticed that your pencil wasn't white. It was a dark gray, and the tip was black. Almost as black as your eyes. Again, you reassured us it was nothing. And then I asked about your wings, why they weren't out. Like now. Why aren't they out? So you extended them so we could see. But they weren't the white ones we've grown to know and love. They were black as well. Almost as black as your eyes. Slowly you wrapped them around us, as you always do. But it was different. It wasn't warm and safe like they normally feel. It was cold, and deadly. You pulled us close, into a tight hug, trying to reassure us it was alright. So, now invisible from the world, covered by your black wings, You killed us Mark."

My heart broke and my jaw dropped simultaneously. I was no longer confused, and I no longer willed for them to bring me another cupcake. Especially one with deep blue icing.

"You killed us." She said again. She told a very good horror story for being the 6 year old She was. I couldn't help it, at the thought of that I burst out in tears.

"But, guys." I sobbed. "Look, it's me. My skin is fine, my eyes are brown, my voice is normal, my pencil is white and-" My voice cracked and I paused, extending my wings out for them to see. "My wings are white too." I sniffed.

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