Chapter Thirteen

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After Signing the paper they walked from the building while walking towards car. She was shocked walking behind him. They walked and sat down in the car while driver started the car. She wanted to say sow thing but due to shame words couldn't come out from her mouth. The car was driving while there was silence when suddenly they heard a gun shot and next second their car start trembling and stopped while breaking with tree. They looked at each other then at her driver who was shot dead now. They heard another gun shot while she was freeze sitting on her place while looking at her driver's dead body.

'Step out of car.' Adam said while walking out from the car while she quickly followed his steps. She put the stepped out of the car when he walked towards her then get hold of her hand and quickly walked into forest. He stand behind a tree and make her stand behind him while he took out his gun.

'Stay behind me.' Adam said while she scared nodded her head in yes and he looked back. Then she heard a foot step coming towards her and he looked back at her and signed her to stayed quite. The step comes more and more closer and as a person came in their view Adam quickly hit him hard on his head with the gun and a man screamed in pain. With his painful scream they heard few more gun shots then loads of foot steps voice. Adam get hold of her hand and make her stand more behind him then looked at front while waiting and her eyes widen with realisation that he actually was ready to fight.

'Adam what are doing?' She whisper to him and he looked at her.

'To fight.' Adam said simply and her breath stopped in her thoart.

'No you will not fight. It's dangerous.' Mahia said shocked while looking at him.

'Mahia I am trained for this. This is my job. I am not just your personal secretary but a bodyguard, I am trained to fight.' Adam said

'But they will be too many of them.' Mahia said still scared and Adam sighed and was about to say something when they heard foot steps closer to them then two men wearing blank mask came in their view while holding gun. Adam also show his gun to them and walked toward them. They were standing in front each other while holding gun. Then one of man shot a gun fire and Adam just on time moved away while her heart of beating so fast. But then Adam stand up then the fight start while he hit them few times and he hit him few ones back as well while she was scared shaking standing with trees. She didn't really know that he can fight all alone with many people. Adam hit on one of men head while he hit him on his eyes and Adam put hand over his eye and one of man hit him while he fell down. Adam stand up then hit the men with all force  while he fell down on floor. Then they heard more foot steps coming  towards them when he looked at her then get hold of her hand and start running. He was running but trembling over a things which she was not getting why was happening to him. She know it was night time but still something was wrong with him. They heard foot steps followed them but that didn't stopped them and after running for long time when they couldn't heard footsteps they stopped then Adam looked around them and he could see a road which was only few meters away from them. Mahia get it where he was looking and they start running. After about ten minute running they reached at the road and leave her hand. She looked at him and he still have put hand over his eye.

'Adam everything fine?' She asked and he nodded his head on no.

'Because of that stupid men I have lost my eye sight Len. I can't see clearly from one eye.' Adam said while putting hand on his eye and she surprised looked at him. She never knew he wear lens.

' I never knew you wear......' She was saying when he looked at her and she freeze on her place. Words stayed in her mouth while she was just staring at him.

Her Personal Secretary (Vol I) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now