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Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure everything out all at once. Breathe. You're strong. You got this. Take it day by day.
-Karen Salmansohn.

If you were to use one word to describe me, procrastinator would be a pretty good one.

Right now I'm laying in bed debating if I should paint my room right now or not. I could just do it tomorrow, but then I know  I'll just put it off until next weekend. I sighed and shook my head, knowing that my mom would kill me if I didn't. After standing up and putting on a clean shirt, I grabbed my car keys and went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning!" My mum chirped. She was baking I have no idea what in the oven, but it smelled amazing.

"Whatever that is save me some. I'm going to the store to buy paint." I said. She smiled and nodded.

"Okay, just don't take too long. I think I want to move that couch again." She said. I widened my eyes in exasperation.

"We moved it sixteen more times last night! It's perfectly fine the way it is mum." She looked at the couch uncertainly and sighed. "I don't know, but I guess I can leave it like that." She shrugged and poured herself a cup of coffee.

I walked outside towards my car. The first thing I did when I started the engine was turn on the air conditioner. Without a doubt I will go to the beach and cool off today. I searched up directions to the nearest paint store and started to drive.

Half an hour later I was about to drive off until my phone started ringing.

  "Yes mum?"

"Luke, would you mind going to the grocery store for me?" She asked. I sighed and bit my lip.

"I kind of would mum, I still have to paint my room." I replied.

"Too bad, I didn't ask you. I'll send you a list of what I need." She hung up and I stared at my phone in confusion.

She did ask though.

After my mum sent the list I started making my way to the grocery store.

I parked my car and headed inside. Once I grabbed a shopping cart I opened the list my mom sent me.

I practically choked on my own spit as I read it.


Ground beef






Meat balls

Lip balm

Almond milk


Laundry detergent

I called my mom after reading the list.

"Yes dear?" She greeted. I looked around and started to grab some of the stuff on the list.

"Mum, I'm not going to get everything on the list." I said.

"Why not? Did you not bring enough money with you?"

"No mum, it's not that, but I'm not going to stand in front of the cashier as he or she scans some certain things you needed on the list." I explained.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous honey. It's like if you were buying a box of tampons!" She coaxed.

I shook my head. "I'm not buying a box of condoms!" I sneered. Just my luck, I had just walked in an aisle when I said the last four or five words. There was a nun staring at me with a horrified expression, holding a box of fruit snacks. I widened my eyes, lowering my phone.

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