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Trying to
-Dave Willis.

"You slept with who?!" I widened my eyes and hushed Sarah.

"If dad hears you he'll disown me. And I didn't sleep with him. I only slept in a guest room at his house." I clarified.

Sarah frowned. "No! You were supposed to sleep on his bed and wake up in his arms like in the books." She sighed and shook her head. I laughed and shifted my position on my bed.

"Yeah, my life isn't like those books Sarah. There aren't any happily ever afters or true loves. At least not in my story." I said.

Sarah threw her hands up in frustration. "That's because you don't let things that could give you that stuff come in your life! Or should I say people?" She wiggled her eyebrows and I glared at her.

"I barely even know him and you think he's going to be the be the love of my life? No, absolutely not. He's way to stubborn and his ego is slowly coming out the more we talk." I huffed and stood up from my bed to brush out the tangles from my hair.

"You just have to give him a chance." I rolled my eyes and looked at her through my vanity desk mirror.

"Sarah, stop talking like I've known him for awhile. We literally just met a few days ago."

Sarah mocked me as she grabbed my laptop from my night stand. "Okay, fine. Oh, tonight you and I are gonna stay up all night watching Grey's Anatomy."

I groaned and shook my head. "As much as I'd love to I really need to get as much sleep as I can before Graham wakes up. Rain check?" I asked. Sarah sighed and stood up from my bed.

  "Fine, but no turning me down next time. Night." I said the same and brushed my teeth before plopping down on my bed.


The next day at school something fluttered out of my locker. I looked at it and laughed. After I picked it up I closed my locker and made my way towards Maggie's locker.

She had a styrofoam cup in her hand, drinking whatever is in it through the yellow straw poked through the lid.

"Maggie." I called out. She turned her head and frowned when she saw me.

"Nope. No, no, no. It's too early for me to deal with you today." I smirked and leaned against the locker beside hers.

"Are my dashing looks making you insecure?" I wiggled my eyebrows. She scrunched up her nose and shook her head.

"I stopped caring how I looked after seven months through pregnancy." She replied. I laughed and crossed my arms.

"How come you only wear makeup at work?" I asked. She narrowed her eyes.

"It's part of the job. I have to do my makeup to go with whatever outfit they give me depending on the theme." She closed her locker and started walking down the hall.

"Oh. Anyways, the reason I came to speak with you is because I found a little something in my locker today." She quirked an eyebrow and glanced at me.

"What does anything you find in your locker have to do with me?" She asked.

I sarcastically laughed and grabbed her elbow so she could face me. "The twenty dollar bill you stuffed in it." I pulled it out of my pocket and held it between us.

"Andrew Jackson is very disappointed that you've rejected him once again." I added.

"Banfield!" I sighed and turned my head to see some dude walking towards us.

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