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I'm sort of whizzing out because I now have 1k reads on this story!!!! Thanks to everyone who had made it this far in this book, I'm so happy and I really appreciate it! Okay, let's begin.

Eventually you'll come across change of directions in life, but that doesn't mean you have to change your destination.
- It took me awhile to make up this quote. :p


I couldn't take it anymore; I had to have some time with Graham, and now was my chance. I woke up at eleven thirty, the house was extremely quiet. I slowly got off my bed, fixing the blankets and pillows before making my way to Graham. When I pushed the door upended a bit I was surprised to see him awake. He was sitting up in his crib, staring at his feet with fascination. His mouth was open as he ogled his toes; and when he would move them, his eyes would go wide as if he couldn't believe it.

My face broke out into a soft grin as I walked over to him. Graham looked up as I reached into his crib and picked him up. "Good morning handsome." I felt a part of me fill up as I got to hold him on my hip. I had gotten so used to it that not having him with me was foreign like. I snuck downstairs with Graham after brushing my teeth and went into the kitchen, getting out some banana baby food.

  I hummed as I placed Graham on his high chair, sitting down in front of him as I opened the mini bottle. "It's banana time," I lifted the spoon up to Graham's mouth slowly, as if one wrong move would make everything go downhill. "Please, don't spit it in my eye this time." Just as I said this Graham laughed, as if he were remembering the time he spit the carrot baby food in my eye. My own son laughs at my failure; should that worry me? I rolled my eyes at my thoughts and pushed the spoon towards Graham's mouth, but of course he refused to let the food enter.

  Maybe I should just try a different brand...

  After about fifty more attempts, Graham still didn't eat, and I had baby food on my cheek. I wiped it off as I picked Graham up and settled on giving him a bottle. My stomach had started to growl so I placed Graham in his jumper and switched on the tv so he would be entertained as I cooked, letting me watch him at the same time.

  I was seriously craving hash browns right now, so I began peeling potatoes to make some for Sarah and mom and dad. While I peeled them I zoned out and started to think of last night's events. I was having such a great time yesterday with the pottery session and the diner, but the art festival is a different story. I was amazed by all the talent that was surrounding Luke and I, but the man from yesterday just had to be there. He just had to remind me again.

  "Maggie!" I jumped in surprise, causing the blade I was using to slip and cut my finger. I bit my lip as the sharp pain came through and widened my eyes when I saw the blood starting to ooze out. Blood and I are not friends; I barely survive shark week every month. I turned to face Sarah and frowned. "You made me get my finger cut. I could've chopped it off!" She sighed and pulled me along with her, setting the potato and blade on the linter as she fixed my cut. "I was calling you like five times and you weren't answering. You've been zoning out since last night; are you sure everything's going fine?" I looked up at her and nodded my head.

  "Of course," I lied. "I'm just stressing on this essay that's supposed to be due from my homework stack. What did you need?" As Sarah wrapped a band aid around my finger I continued peeling the potatoes.

  "I said, you shouldn't be carrying Graham until your stitches get removed. You could've woken me up and I would've taken care of him." I rolled my eyes as I peeled the last potato. "I wanted to spend some time with him alone without you guys worrying, and I'm still going to do it. The doctor is crazy if he thinks I'm going to just lay back without touching my baby."

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