Chapter 5

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Penny was cleaning up her study materials from the kitchen table when Sam walked in the backdoor. She couldn't help the startled expression that crossed her face as he entered.

"Good, I was hoping to catch you, I thought we would go down to the beach for dinner." He looked at his watch then at her. "Can you be ready to go in about twenty minutes?"

She hadn't really expected him to take her out and it must have shown as her mouth opened and closed a few times before she could make any sound come out of it. To his credit, Sam waited patiently for her to speak.

"I didn't really think you meant it, besides what about the Eastons?"

"They're going out for a romantic dinner for two at the Pink House, and I never say things I don't mean, what would be the point in that?" He watched her, waiting.

"Ummm....we, yes but....,"

"Go get dressed Penny, I'm hungry and I'm not on call this evening so we can enjoy ourselves."

Penny blinked, nodded and then turned to walk into her room. What did he mean by change? She looked down at her calf length skirt, and loose sweater set. She would have to dig deep for something that didn't resemble what she was already wearing.

Fifteen minutes later she looked at herself in the mirror. She had found a pretty sundress in a baby blue color that fit her a little tighter than she would have liked. It had a scooped neckline and cap sleeves with and empire waist stopping just above her knees. She had also found a pair of tan sandals that crisscrossed over her foot in a complicated pattern.

Her hair would have to stay as it was, there was no way she was wearing it down on the beach because it would be a hopeless tangle in only a few minutes. Taking a deep breath she picked up a sweater and her small purse and opened her door only to find Sam sitting in the chair at the desk.

He stood when he saw her, a smile coming to his lips. "You look lovely."

Penny suppressed the blush but wouldn't meet his eyes as she thanked him. Instead she focused on taking in his appearance. He was wearing a loose pair of cargo shorts with a button down dress shirt in a light yellow that was untucked. On his feet he wore a pair of sandals as well. He looked nothing like a doctor.

"Shall we go, I'm starved." He motioned for her to follow him and he held open the door for her, then the truck door as well. It was all a little too much like a date, and she hadn't been on a date since high school.

As they rode out to the beach she couldn't help but think that he smelled good, and she was fascinated by his hands as they rested lightly on the steering wheel. They parked down front on the strand where they were directly across from the restaurant which had a wonderful view of the beach from the deck above.

Penny kept waiting for someone to call her out and ask Sam what he was doing with the likes of her, but no one looked at them odd, and the waitress gave them a friendly smile as she seated them and took their drink order.

"You really do look lovely Penny, why don't you wear dresses like that more often?" Sam asked as she settled back into his seat letting the sounds of the restaurant and the ocean wash over him.

She just shrugged and smiled. She wasn't going to tell him that she thought her boobs were too large or her hips too round, it would only draw his attention to them more than the dress already had. "I could ask you the same thing."

"I have a reasonable excuse though." He smiled at the waitress as she delivered their drinks.

Penny could give the same excuse, her work wasn't conducive to pretty dresses, but knowing he wouldn't buy it, she only smiled and looked down at the beach below.

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