Chapter 9

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Penny had been studying in the kitchen after her morning class when the front door had opened.  At first she thought it was Sam, and she was still undecided on how long she was going to give him the cold shoulder, but it turned out to be Regan and her mother with the baby.

"Oh, thank goodness you're here," Regan sighed as she handed over the baby and then slumped onto the couch in the living room. Little Ian was only ten months old and Regan's first child.  She was still having trouble adapting to the stress of motherhood.

"Hello Regan and Mrs. Evers," Penny said, trying not to sound surprised or caught off guard, was this something that Sam forgot to tell her.

"You're good, I'll give you that," Mrs. Evers said as she sat in the chair across from her daughter.  Mrs. Evers had never been overly warm towards her, but then she wasn't overly warm towards her children either.

"Relax Penny, Sam doesn't even know we were coming, we only found out his morning. Aunt Maureen is getting married again and it's to happen this weekend.  It's all very last minute, so we were ordered down here to help her get everything ready. She and Billy should be here later this evening."

"You'll need to make sure that all of the rooms are turned out and ready to go. Do you think the Billy will bring Celeste?" Regan asked softly and almost as an afterthought.

Carol Evers looked upset for only a moment before she quickly masked it. "Probably. We'll need a large supper because we will be planning a wedding all evening. Can you handle that?" She eyed Penny as she held Ian on her hip.

"Yes, but I'll need some time."

"You've got it." Regan rose and reached for Ian. "We're going to go and take a nap."

"Do you need help with the rooms?" Mrs. Evers asked.

"No they're ready," Penny said watching as the women both reached for their suitcases.

Mrs. Evers nodded and then led her daughter upstairs. "We'll put Celeste and Billy on the top floor."

As soon as they were upstairs Penny rushed back to the kitchen taking stock of what she could offer then made a quick list as she jumped into the car and drove to the store.

An hour later she was standing in front of the stove in her apron, with pots and pans boiling and her hair in a complete disarray, when Sam walked in the back door. She was so focused on what she was doing she didn't hear him and jumped when he said her name.

Turning down the burners on the stove she turned to see him standing behind her with a peach and grey little fur ball that was letting out a pathetic meow. Her eyes grew wide and she couldn't help but smile at the cuteness before her.

"Oh Sam!" She completely forgot she was mad at him as she sat her spoon down and reached to take the tiny little kitten. Her hand brushed his as she did so, causing a little spark to shoot through her. "It's precious."

Sam smiled, "She's for you, a peace offering, and maybe to help with the mouse problem?"

Penny blushed as she remembered her reaction to the mice from the night before. "We're going to keep her?" Penny cuddled her against her cheek. "What's her name?"

"I'll leave that you," Sam said, looking pleased as he took off his jacket in the warmth of the kitchen. "What's with all of the cooking." He walked over to the stove and peeked in the pots.

"Aunt Maureen is getting married again and it's happening this weekend." Penny watched Sam as he turned to her with an amused smile.


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