Chapter 20

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They were both quiet as Sam pulled the truck into the driveway and cut the engine. Penny sat beside him, waiting patiently as he sat silently looking out the window at the quiet street.

"Would you mind if we walked a bit?" he asked as he turned to look at her.

Penny could read the sadness and frustration in his eyes and could only nod, afraid that if she said more she would burst into tears and never stop.

Savannah was beautiful in the silent morning sunlight and they walked to the end of the street and to the nearest square. It was one of Penny's favorite squares, it was full of massive oaks covered in Spanish moss which was blowing gently in the breeze.

Sam reached for her hand and took it in his and it seemed the most natural thing in the world to lean into him a little as they walked.

"I love Savannah," he said as he stopped at a bench in the square a short time later. "It's home, I missed it when I was away at school and I would hate to leave it again."

Penny nodded, knowing exactly what he meant.

Savannah had its own magic and moved at its own relaxed pace. It was a city that some loved and others hated. The church bells from the Catholic Cathedral chimed the hour of seven and they listened as another church chimed in a few seconds later. Penny could hear the trickling fountain behind her and let the peace wash over her.

"I'm glad you were there last night and I'm glad you're here now. Normally, after a long night, I make this walk on my own, but it's better with you." He leaned over and kissed her gently on the temple.

They sat in silence watching the birds as they hunted for food in the grass, a man walked by with his dog and eventually, as was Savannah's way, they saw an old woman walking past with her parakeet in a baby stroller and her cat on a leash trailing behind her.

She looked at Sam who gave the woman a sober nod as she approached. Not at all put off by her little menagerie.

"Hey Doc, did you have a bad night?" The woman was dressed in a velour running suit that was canary yellow, a white straw hat with an overly large yellow daisy and yellow running shoes.

"Yes Ida, it was a rough one. How are Buster and Babs doing this morning?"

"Buster is taking it easy, her and Babs got into yesterday, bad bird." She leaned down and scolded the green bird which looked back at her with a vacant look. Babs got a hold of Buster's tail and wouldn't let go no matter how fast he ran. I was up all night putting the house to rights again."

"That sounds serious, is Buster O.K.?" Sam looked down at the solid black cat who looked back at him with yellow eyes, not looking the least upset by the bird attack.

Penny listened as Sam had a perfectly normal conversation about Buster and Babs's health before Ida changed the subject abruptly. "Who is this Doc, I must say she's a pretty thing."

"Yes, isn't she, this is my fiancé Penny Campbell, Penny this is Miss Ida Sheffield."

Penny's heart jumped as he introduced her.

They nodded at each other as Ida looked her over, not getting close enough to warrant a handshake.

"I'm glad you found yourself a girl Doc," she said and the walked away while Penny and Sam watched her go. There were several other people milling around by that point and it was easy to spot the locals versus the tourist. The locals either greeted Ida or ignored her, and the tourists all watched fascinated as she passed them by, not in the least concerned that they were staring.

They continued to watch the goings on in their little square in silence until Penny could no longer take her thoughts which were all centered on Sam and whether he really did love her or not or if she was just convenient.

"Sam, why do you love me, how...I don't understand."

Sam turned to her on the bench and pushed her hair off her shoulders holding a strand of it in his fingers. "I was taken with you the minute that Regan hired you. That's why I was unsure about you working for me. It had nothing to do with your youth and everything to do with your looks. You are lovely, sweet, and innocent, yet at the same time you have this wonderful temptress that is just waiting to be discovered. It scared me. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to resist, just as I hadn't with Celeste, but as time went on and you seemed oblivious of me and everything but the house. I felt my guard drop and somehow you worked your way into my heart."

"I was anything but oblivious Sam." Penny watched the shock at her words turn into joy and she suddenly had the confidence to continue.

"I have loved you for a very long time Sam," she whispered.

Sam let out a deep shaky breath as he reached for her but she put out her hand to stop him.

"I couldn't handle it if it turned out that you didn't love me. You say you do but..." She didn't know what she was trying to say but Sam must have.

"I get it Penny, I have been nothing but aloof and sometimes cold towards you for the last two years, and now, all of the sudden, in the last month, especially since Celeste arrived, I have this sudden interest in you."

She nodded and felt a tear on her cheek. "I want to believe it."

"I have admired you for a very long time Penny; who you are, your gentle calm patience, your loyalty, your sense of humor, which always sneaks out when I least expect it, but I admire your heart the most. It all clicked for me when Cole mentioned you finding a husband, it was as if someone had turned on a light and I realized that that admiration had turned into love somewhere along the way.

"But how do I know that it's not the fact that you don't want to lose me as a housekeeper?"

Sam pulled her close and kissed her hard, "Trust me when I say it had nothing to do with the house Penny," he said when he broke away and they were both breathing hard.

"You were meant to come into my life when you did and the way you did. I wasn't done healing and I needed, not only the time but the motivation to heal. I want to be good enough for you Penny, I'm so afraid that I won't be, that I'm too old and damaged to make you happy."

"Oh Sam, she reached out and touched his face, rubbing his whiskered cheek with her palm, "You are the best man that I know, and as long as you love me, really love me, I know I'll be happy."

"I will do my best, for the rest of our lives, to make you as happy as I can."

Penny nodded and reached up to kiss him. It was the first time she had ever done such a thing and Sam sensed her need to go slowly; but he could only take so much before he pulled away and put her hand to his beating chest.

"Breakfast I think, I know just the place."

Penny let him pull her up and lead her to a nearby restaurant that was frequented by locals. They had a delicious breakfast and then took a leisurely stroll back to the house where Sam kissed her very thoroughly in the kitchen before leaving her to return to the hospital.

It was Friday and the party was that evening. There was a lot to do.

Something's Gotta GiveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz