Chapter 12

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(Trouble part 2)

Proton: Little girl, you've gotten me angry. You're going to regret that.

Me: Old man, does it look like I care? 

Proton: Oh believe me when I say this, you will.

Me: What are you thugs even doing here in the first place?

Proton: Well since you're about to die, I guess there is no reason to hide it from you.

Kill me? Ha, he doesn't know who he's messing with. He put his arms behind his back and began to pace back and forth, KILLER never leaving my side. The other grunts got ready just in case I tried to make a move.

Proton: You see, Team Rocket is in need of money, so we're cutting off slowpoke tails and selling them for a high price since anyone will buy it.

Me: That's animal abuse you sick bastard.

Proton: Does it look like I care?

Me: Well you should! These creatures have feeling too!

Proton: I was sent on a mission to make money, so I'm doing what I was assigned. Plus, their tails grow back.

Me: What you are doing is still terrible!

I clenched my teeth and fists in anger, and growled loudly. All of my energy returned to me, I didn't care about the broken bones, or how much pain I was in. This guy is gonna pay for this.

(Okay, if you want, play the battle music now)

Me: You're dead executive!

Proton: Oh yeah? The let's settle this here and now.

Me: Damn straight!

Proton: Go Koffing!

He threw his pokeball out onto the battle field and his pokemon came out, KILLER rushed out into the battle field without me having to say anything with a battle cry.

Proton: Koffing use smog!

The whole area was all foggy and black I covered my mouth and coughed, I felt dizzy and started to feel a little weak, but I knew that I had to keep going.

Me: KILLER use Hyper Beam!

A large powerful beam shot out of KILLER's mouth and into the ceiling causing large rocks to fall and crumple to the floor causing the ground to shake, I pointed at the Koffing to give him aim.

Me: KILLER right there, charge and use hyper beam again!

He did it once more and the foes Koffing went down with a complete K.O. Proton grunted and got out another pokeball.

Proton: Go Zubat!

The bat like creature flew over the battle field and let out a loud shriek.

Proton: Zubat, use Super Sonic!

There was a powerful sound that only me and other pokemon could hear. I covered my ears quickly so I wouldn't be affected. KILLER wasn't so lucky. He looked so confused, looking in every direction like he didn't know where he was. He tried to shake it off.

Me: It's okay buddy, we're almost done! Use your flame thrower!

Trying to get a good aim at Proton's Zubat, who was trying to see when it could dodge the attack, KILLER charged up the fire on his back, and let out a huge explosion of fire on the Zubat causing another K.O. Proton didn't look too pleased.

Me: Heh, you call that a pokemon battle? HA HA HA!!~ That was a complete amateur battle!

Proton started to breath in heavily, I saw him clench his fist multiple time in anger. I smiled at laughed softly, I got you right where I want you.

Me: I must say I'm disappointed. I expected more from Team Rocket's top executive. I even heard you were scary, NOTHING  about you is scary!


Me: Um............... No. KILLER, Flame thrower.

Bursts of flames flew every where, all the grunts ran in all different directions. I just stood there laughing, then coughed up blood. I looked at the red liquid on my hand, and frowned.

Me: Shit..........

They  all ran out of the cave, Proton followed them as KILLER still released his flames.

Me: Wait a minute, I'm not done with you yet!

I used my powers to bring him to a halt, he stood there frozen like a statue. I put my hand on KILLER's shoulder so he could stop attacking, and slowly limped up to him.

Me: Listen and listen well, if I ever see you doing anything like this or worse again, you're going to get it big time!

I picked him up and flung him out of the cave, he shrieked like a little girl as his face hit the ladder. With in a few moments he was gone. I went to where the slowpokes were in the back and set them free. They all smiled at me happily and went back into this little lake. Now that this is done, I need to find Lance......... and a hospital. I called KILLER back into his pokeball, climbed slowly out of the cave, and called Lance. He was there with in a few minutes, a worried look on his face.

Lance: Oh my God, who did this to you?!

Me: I'll explain later, just take me to a hospital.

Lance: Okay.

At the hospital......

I sat in the hospital room with bandages and casts all over my body, except my head, eating. Lance just sat there staring at me worried. He would ask me if there was something wrong if I coughed or moved a little.

Me: Lance, would you relax? I'm fine!

Lance: Are you really sure though? Because I can go and get the nurse.

Me: I'm sure.

Lance: Okay, now, what the heck happened?

Me: ......... Team Rocket.

Lance: Those guys again?!

Me: Yes, it's like they just won't give up.

Lance: What did they do now, besides this?

Me: They were capturing all the slowpoke and cutting off their tails to sell it for high prices.

Lance: That's horrible!

Me: It is, you would not believe how mad I was....... Heck I'm still mad!

There was a fast beeping noise in the room, I looked over to see my heart monitor going very fast. Lance put a hand on my shoulder softly.

Lance: Sweetie, calm down. 

Me: Fine.

I took a few deep breaths and my heart rate went back down to its normal beeping sounds. I held out my arms for a hug, he got up and wrapped his arms around me gently, placing a kiss on my forehead.

Lance: You should get some sleep. You had a long day.

Me: I-I guess. What about you?

Lance: I'll be right here until you wake up.

I yawned and rested my head on his chest, my eyes slowly closing.

Me: Promise?

Lance: Promise.

He hummed one of my favorite songs softly, whatcha say by Jason Derulo. I fell asleep peacefully with a smile on my face. But deep inside my mind I was thinking, Those thugs are gonna show up again. And this time, I'll be ready!

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