Chapter 28

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Me: I think she's waking up!

Julia: Good, this means she is okay.

Scarlet opened her eyes and sat up slowly rubbing her head looking around to see everyone happy with relief.

Scarlet: What's going on?

Monica: You were out for a while, are you feeling okay?

Scarlet: Yes.

Julia and Nema started to examine her just to make sure she was really okay.

Lance: I told you she'll be okay.

Me: I never doubted you for a second.

We both smiled at one another and held hands as my sisters finished up the examination.

Nema: Alright, nothings wrong.

Julia: Yes, she can even catch up on training.

Scarlet: Training for what?

Mavis: Remember our burning hot problem?

Scarlet: ....... Oh yeah.

She got up out of bed excited and smiled brightly, I noticed a slight black bruise on the right arm. I couldn't help but feel bad that I wasn't quick enough to protect her.

Scarlet: Let's get training!

Mavis: Yeah!

All my sisters rushed down stairs as I just watched after Scar. I am lucky that she is immortal because if she wasn't, she wouldn't be so lucky. And it would've been all my fault.....

Lance: Jenni..... you okay?

Me: Hm?

Lance: Are you okay?

Me: Oh yeah I'm fine.

I rubbed the back of my head and walked along the hallway with Lance following.

Lance: Hey I was thinking......

Me: Thinking?

Lance: How would you like to get married tomorrow?

I stopped in my tracks and faced him. He had a nervous look on his face, I don't know what for.

Me: Mhmmm.......... Tomorrow?

Lance: Yeah.

Me: How do we do this?

Lance: Go there, say our vows, the priest marries us, and boom we're married. Quick and easy.

Me: Fine.

I continued to walk down stairs as I heard Lance's excitement from the next room. I walked outside and sat on a chair watching my sisters train. It was the same as usual: Nema throws sharp weapons and Alice's dodges them, Julia and Ally gang up on Monica, Jessica, and Scarlet and try to take them down. Then everyone gangs up on each other trying to prove which one is the ultimate. It looked like fun and I wanted to join the fight.

Mavis: Why don't you just fight us?

Me: I'm pregnant.

Julia: Yes, that may be true, but if I remember correctly, you have psychic power. So in order to join, just put it to use?

Me: That is........ brilliant! Alright, I'll destroy you all just by sitting here.

Scarlet: Whaaaaaaaat?

Me: You'll see. Try to hit me from various places.

They nodded their heads and took off in all directions. I just sat there relaxing with my eyes closed, waiting for a sudden feeling I always get when people are gonna attack me. It was all quiet for the first few moments, then there was a faint swish sound in the wind coming from the north east. I focused my mind on the sound and a huge barrier surrounded me. It was at least ten or twenty knives from Jessica and Mavis, it fell to the floor with a clang and I focused again still not opening my eyes. I was a image in my head showing me a surprise attack from behind of Julia and Nema, there were swords in their hands.

Me: Hm.

I picked them both up with my mind and threw them over at Scarlet and Ally who was getting ready to attack.

Nema: Ouch!

Ally: Ow my head.

Me: You asked for it.

Focusing again, there were slightest movement from the south west on the roof top above. Alice and Monica along with Diana and Hannah in the south east came at me and tried to knock me out. I formed the barrier to block all their attacks. One by one, each group came out and tried to destroy the barrier. I just stood in the middle smiling. My wings opened and I slammed my right hand on the ground destroying the barrier and sending everyone flying back into trees. They all got back up and came at me again. Diana and Hannah grabbed both of my arms holding me down as Mavis tried to jump kick me in thin air. I pulled my arms together and slammed Diana and Hannah's heads together as hard as I can, grabbed Mavis's leg and spun her around until she collided with another tree.

Mavis: Shit, even being pregnant you're still freakishly strong!

Me: I know.

Jessica and Ally tried to jump me, but did not succeed. I turned around and double kicked them in the face. They fell to the ground, Diana spoke muffled.

Diana: I thought you said you'll stay in the chair?!

Me: Yeah well I changed my mind.

Monica grabbed a sword and came at me, I used my one arm to slap her, hit her upside the head, pick her up, and throw her across the house.

Monica: Damn!

I went back to my seat when I heard Lance coming, I smiled at him as he looked at all my beat up sisters.

Lance: Whoa, what happened to you guys?

Alice: Uhhh...... we fell.

Lance: Did they really?

Me: They are clumsy, so yeah.

Lance: Okay, Karen says we should come inside now. Magma might be in the area.

Scarlet: Okay!

Everyone getting up in pain, we all walked inside and locked all doors and windows. I couldn't wait to face Team Magma again.

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