2-Being Bitten

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I wish I had a car.

Juliette sighs and crosses her arms, squirming in the small smelly seat. Taking the bus home from school is the one thing she hates most. Other than Romeo Ross.

Soon, the bus stops, and she quickly grabs her bag, scurrying through the small aisle.

“Have a nice weekend.” Juliette genuinely smiles at the bus driver.

“You too, Miss Reed.”

Juliette adjusts her bag as she gets off the bus, her flat black boots walking on the path she takes everyday. Her bus always drops her off at a back deserted road, since that’s where she lives. On the left side there’s the woods, which Juliette stays away from. On the right is the small dirt path, leading to her house.

The only thing separating the woods to the path is the road in between, which Juliette is thankful for. She’s never liked the woods, not one bit. So, as she walks down the path, the woods follow her. 

Soon, she reached her small cottage house. It was made out of brick, the windows and doors an ugly baby puke green. Roots snake onto the front of the house, making it look like the place is extremely old. The grass and trees that surround it are dead, no leaves or anything.

“Dad, I’m home!” She calls out into the cozy home, walking into the living room.

Her dad smiles up at her, the wrinkles covering his face. “Hey, pumpkin. How was school?”

She smiles at the nickname. When she was little, her hair color, as her mom would say, looked like a pumpkin color. It wasn’t orange, but yet again, it seemed so.

“School was good.” She shifts on her foot, pointing to the ceiling. “I’m gonna go upstairs, I have homework to do.”

He nods, his milk chocolate hair getting in his eyes. “Okay.” He readjusts the glasses sitting on his nose. “Dinner will be done in a few hours.” He calls after her.

“Okay!” She yells back before bumming into her brother, Max. Max is one year older than her, who stayed back in 8th grade. They both look alike; same blonde hair and dull grey eyes.

“How was school?” He ruffles her hair up, causing her to scowl and smooth it back down into place.

“You should know, your in the same grade as me.” She smirks, then coughs into her hand, “19 year old.”

He scowls at her playfully. “So I didn’t do so well in 8th grade! Let it go!”

She laughs and enters her room, shutting the door behind her. Juliette’s room takes up a lot of space. Upstairs, there’s only one bedroom and one bathroom. Downstairs, has the kitchen, small living room, another bathroom, and two small bedrooms. She insisted on taking one of the smaller bedrooms, but her dad refused.

Being BittenWhere stories live. Discover now