Chapter 7

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Hello again everyone, again!

Hope you all enjoyed the last couple of chapters, and please continue to read! Also welcome to the next chapter of Alpha male.

Please leave a comment and vote!!

P.S. I am trying to stay out of being in Lucas's point of view so much, Once in a while I will go in his point of view as you have probably seen in the chapters before, but I am hoping that I do not do it a lot.



Chapter 7


“What are you all looking at us like that for?” Lucas asked as he looked down at everyone.

We were up on the landing just above everyone, and they were all just staring up at us with thoughtful expressions. A few looked as if they thought something had happened while others just questioned us. Those few who did think they knew something had these weird smiles on their faces. Like the ones you would see on loving family faces when they watched their loved ones walk down the aisle to get married.

“How did the conversation go?” Derek asked. He was the first person out of the group to speak, and though there was no longer a smile on his face if you looked into his eyes you could see that he was still smiling.

“The conversation went.” Lucas shrugged, slowly descending the stairs that were directly to the left of us. “We didn't exactly figure much out, and we’re still trying to figure out why our wolves want to be with one another.”

Perfectly answered, I thought to myself following Lucas down the stairs.

Derek on the other hand nodded and waited until Lucas was at the bottom of the stairs before finally speaking. “Kiana was asking about calling the hotel. She said you knew the number.”

“Yeah I do,” Lucas said, lowering his head. I was just getting down to the last few steps when he had replied.

“Well, if you would like you can use the phone in the living room to call them. You shouldn't miss it. It's the one right on the coffee table in the middle of the room,” Derek explained, pointing in the direction of the living room as he spoke.

Lucas nodded. “Thank you,” he said before walking across the floor and through the living room door where you could hear him dialing the number of the hotel before talking quietly to someone on the other end.

Once Lucas was out of the room Derek faced me again. “You figure anything out?” he asked.

I shrugged. “Not really. Just asked about his eyes and how his father had lost the title of alpha to their own pack.”

“That's seriously all you talked about?” Derek asked in surprise catching everyone's attention again. Before they had been talking to each other about the arrangements of being a scout. I was guessing Steve wanted to help out with that as soon as possible, and Kiana was also very interested in helping out as well as wanting to get to know the other members in the pack. “What were the two of you doing in there?” Derek was saying.

I rolled my eyes at Derek. “We didn't do anything but talk about what I just said. Not that it’s your business if anything did happen anyways.”

Derek laughed, throwing his head back in laugher. “Well, you don't need to get your boxers in a knot Josiph. I was just wondering, like everyone else down here.”

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