Chapter 24

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Welcome back everyone! This chapter I will try my hardest to make it LONGER than the other chapters.

I still hope that you all enjoy and PLEASE leave a comment on your thoughts.


P.S. this chapter is probably more PG-13 than ANY of the other chapters in the novel!


Chapter 24


Even after everyone separated from the center of the field I could still see the cocky smile on Lucian's face, and the way his group of wolves seemed to bow as he walked away from us. It was like they were trying to say he was some sort of king and that he was higher up than everyone else—as if we were no better than the dirt he walked on. And to that, someone really needed to rip the man’s head off his shoulders and show everyone that he’s no king. That he was no better than anyone else or the wolves he walked all over. I wanted to be that someone. That person who would show everyone that Lucian was just an overly ego-sized wolf with more fears than an average pup. I wanted to show everyone that there was no reason to fear Lucian, and instead he should be the one afraid, but no, instead I had Josiph tightly holding my arm and almost dragging me across the field in the opposite direction, whispering orders as if I could understand a word he was saying.

“Damn it Lucas,” Josiph said when we finally stopped in front of a group of werewolves from our pack. “Do I need to have someone drag you back to the house while this battle takes place?”

“No,” I sternly said.

“Then get your head straight,” Josiph told me, slapping me on the head. “If I hear an ounce of your thoughts during this fight I’m having someone drag your ass out of here. I won’t have it Lucas, not with everyone's lives at stake here.”

“I get it,” I said through gritted teeth.

“Do you now?” He narrowed his eyes at me. “Because, I will have them drag you out of here if you’re not able to keep your thoughts to yourself. I swear—” He stopped pitching the bridge to his nose, pulling me through the crowd behind everyone. “—You can’t get involved in this battle Lucas, don't you understand that?” I nodded, understanding. “Then stop it. I don't give a damn about how this battle turns out, all I care about is if you’re still here after the battle.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Then stop thinking about how you’ll rip his head off if you have to. That only tells me that you can't be here for the battle because you’ll get involved, and if that’s the case, I will get someone to force you back home.”

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. “I won’t get involved.”

“You better not. I will have them—” he was saying just as his voice started to disappear into nothingness, while Kiana's voice grew louder and louder until it was her I was speaking too. Even Josiph himself disappeared in front of me and in his place stood Kiana.

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