Chapter 10

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Hello everyone, and welcome back to the next chapter of Alpha Male. I hope you all enjoy, and EVERYONE check out The Ink and Quill Novel Idea Book. I have the second novel of this series on there.

You can catch a sneak peak as well as vote for which novel you would like to see me post next. NO you do not have to VOTE, and can COMMENT if you prefer. COMMENTS COUNT JUST THE SAME!

Will also be posting the SHORT story of NATALIE from chapter EIGHT on there. You can also check that out, and Vote or COMMENT your vote for me to post that novel too! IT"S A SHORT STORY!

THIS chapter I would like to DEDICATE to Kewashere. Mostly because I can, though it is also my way of THANKING you for sticking around to read the novel! Also everyone, DO NOT be afraid to go read Kewashere's novel's!




Chapter 10

“Holy shit,” Kiana was the first to speak. We were standing in the middle of the twelve and thirteen years’ old classroom, and apparently it was a bit of a surprise to Kiana.

Lucas and Steve on the other hand just stood in the back as if it was nothing to them, or maybe it was and they just refused to show it. Still, this classroom was nothing like the other two classes we had seen with desks for learning and no place to run. Instead this very room was made for running. The class is a full gym, or rather six gyms in one. There were sections where a new wolf can run and jump getting used to their four legs, and off to the right hand side there’s a door that leads to a huge pool for swimming. The gym itself was just as amazing. Like before there’s places to run and jump for the new wolves, as well as a place for a friendly race, if they wanted. We played almost like the mortals would, except we had jumping over boulders twice the size of an adult man, swimming across the pool in the other room, and even running through woods which covers a third of the gym.

The gym itself was supposed to help a new wolf in understanding their wolf form and how their body worked, and just before the student turned fourteen they would go through a test on the track and have to get a certain time in order to get in the class for older students. We didn't expect a student to run the track in less than three minutes, but instead we added the times from all of their tryouts they had and averaged them out. Usually it would be around seven minutes or so.

“Where do the students who are fourteen and older have class?” Kiana asked curiously. She was still looking around the gym in amazement, her eyes big and round like a child’s.

“Here actually. This gym is big enough for both class groups, but they’re allowed certain times that only they can run in the gym, or even swim. We tried keeping them separated but not fully separated. We figured out that a student who would be going through their first transformation does a lot better when they’re around a student who has already gone through the same transformation. It's almost like their wolves talk to one another and help them out.”

“I never heard of that,” Steve said, arching his brow.

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