Chapter 8 *edited*

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 "Can you never get anything right, Lavinia? You've always been such a disappointment to your father and I, but honestly, can't you do anything? I've tried to raise you to be a good daughter, so you could take care of your own house—even when it's doubtful you'll ever have such a thing—but you are too lazy and self-absorbed to take my lessons to heart."

 Lavinia tried to hold back her tears. She was trying, really she was, but she was struggling and buckling beneath the weight of everything as well. What with her mother's illness, the garden party, and her constant struggle with Cassandra over household details, she was exhausted. She barely slept because she was so busy trying to make the garden party a bigger success in the eyes of her mother than it had been the year before, and when she did sleep, she was restless and awoke as tired as before. It was also difficult to find time to sit down to a proper meal—when she took the time to eat—and she felt completely spent.

Despite her best efforts, large tears rolled down her cheeks, and once the waterfall started, it was not easily dammed. The weeks of constant, relentless stress suddenly came toppling down on her, and she wept. Burying her face in her hands, she let the tears fall.

"Lavinia?" The gentle voice made her start with surprise, and she tried to wipe her eyes and stop her tears.

A hand touched her shoulder, and turning, she looked straight into Ethan's eyes. All of her resolve to stop her foolish wailing melted at the sight of him, and a choked sob escaped her lips. Without another word, he took her in his arms, and she was enveloped in his embrace, her face buried in his shoulder. He cradled her like she was a child, gently rocking back and forth and stroking her hair.

"What is it? What's happened?" Ethan's voice was soft when he spoke.

"Nothing," she sniffed, moving a respectable distance away from him and wiping her eyes. "Don't worry about me, I shall be all right in another moment, I always am." But Ethan was not deterred, taking her by the shoulders, he looked her right in the eye.

"You can tell me," he said, his voice and face conveying his seriousness. "But if you don't want to talk about, don't lie to me. You're not all right, something has upset you, you are sad. Don't tell me it's nothing, you wouldn't be out here crying if it were nothing." She looked away from his searching gaze. "If you don't tell me, you should be aware that I will ask around until I get an answer. No one should be upset alone, leastwise not you." She wetted her lips and looked back up at him.

"It's nothing for you to worry about, Ethan," She said softly, wiping at her eyes. He offered her a handkerchief, and she gave him a grateful look.

"Worry me, Lavinia, I beg of you. Nothing you say, no burden you share with me, will cause me to be as worried as I am now."

"I suppose I'm just tired is all." She tried to smile at him. He reached out and took her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Then suddenly, it all came pouring out. "The garden party is looming so heavily over my head, it takes all my time. I can barely sleep, eating is almost out of the question, and I'm nervous all the time. My mother—if I don't get it right, she'll be so upset. I've never been able to please her in anything, hard as I strive, it never works. Since she's been ill, I've taken over her duties, and Cassandra has been on at me to make things better. Whenever anything I do isn't as she thinks it should be done, she goes wailing to mother, and I am left consequences while she goes off shopping." She dabbed at her tears and rubbed her forehead. "Father's holed himself up in his study to work because mother is. . .difficult when she doesn't feel well, and he can't stand her. I'm all alone and—" She stopped, closing her eyes. It was wrong of her to be telling Ethan this. She should never have been out here crying in the first place. Why did she always get everything wrong? Her mother was right, she was a failure.

"And everything's piled up so you are out at sea without even a raft." Ethan's thumb rubbed across the flesh of her hand, and she realized that she was holding onto his hand.

"It's all so ridiculous," She tried again to smile and act light-hearted. "I'll be fine in a bit, sometimes I just feel a little swamped."

"No, you're wrong, there's nothing ridiculous about it." She looked over at him, he was watching her, his eyes searching her face. "You need help, you can't keep going like this."

"But mother thinks—"

"I don't wish to make my sentiments towards your dear mother so plain as I did your protests about propriety the other day." He said pointedly. "She can do what she likes, I'm going to help you, and, what's more, I'm going to get more help. You can't handle all on your own whatever your mother thinks."

"You're—that is—you—you're going to h-help me?" Lavinia heard herself stutter. No one had ever offered to help her before, she had been planning the garden party since she was nearly fourteen, and she had never received a scrap of help with the planning (mainly because her mother forbade the servants from lending a hand, and no one else thought she needed any help.

"Just try and stop me," Ethan's brogue was suddenly thicker than usual. "Oh yes, you just try, Lavinia Antrucha, I'm going to help you until you are tired of my presence." Lavinia smiled—her first real smile in days—and felt a great weight lifted off her shoulders.

"I doubt that would ever happen," she said before she could stop herself. Ethan looked at her for a long moment, and she refused to allow herself to look away. How could she have said such a thing? It wasn't proper, but it was true. This man put her at ease, he seemed to settle the air around her until it was calm and peaceful. He leaned toward her and pressed his lips to her cheek.

"I might test that." He whispered, sending the hairs near her temples dancing and her sense awhirl. The place where his skin had touched hers felt as though it were on fire, and she was grateful for once that her mother had designed her dresses to have long sleeves, or he should have seen the gooseflesh that rose on her skin at the feeling of his kiss. He looked at her as though he sensed the feelings he stirred within her. She swallowed uncomfortably at the thought, and he suddenly drew back.

"Wait here for a moment," Ethan rose, his usual smile returning. "I'll be back." He squeezed her hand one last time and then disappeared in the direction of the house. Lavinia frowned as he went, trying to wipe away the traces of her tears. After she was satisfied that she didn't look too terrible, she found herself staring into space dumbly. Why was Ethan so good to her? She wondered absently, he was the kindest person she'd ever met, and he was glad to spend time in her company.

"Lavinia?" She turned at the sound of her father's voice and saw him walking toward her at a swift pace, an almost sad smile on his features. "My darling, why did you never say you needed help? I would have been overjoyed to assist you!"

"I didn't want to disturb you, I thought you'd be too busy." She said, the tears welling in her eyes again.

"My dearest daughter," he took her in his arms, and she closed her eyes, relishing his embrace. "I am never too busy for you." She opened her eyes for a moment and saw Ethan looking at them with a smile on his face. She smiled at him and mouthed 'Thank you.' He shrugged and shook his head. "Where do we start?" Her father stepped out of the hug and looked at her with a wide grin.

Lavinia laughed. "The seating arrangements need a little help." She shrugged.

"All right then, let's get to it!" Her father offered her his arm, and she took it with a laugh that was half disbelief half relief. She was no longer alone.

There you have it, dear readers, another chapter. This one probably isn't that great, life has been taking me for a bit of a whirl recently, and I've had excruciatingly small amounts of time to write. I hope you enjoy this, please, I'd love to hear your opinion on it (if you have one) thank you!!!

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