Chapter 10

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*French translations provided at the bottom

 "Oui, mademoiselle, I can make this." Celeste's bright eyes beamed with her eagerness. Lavinia smiled softly at the girl, the two had known each other since an early age and the French girl was the closest thing Lavinia had had to a friend for a long time. "It would be mon plaisir, my pleasure."

Taking a deep breath, Lavinia looked at the sketch of the gown she had spent the better part of two days drawing. She had resisted the urge to add all the fine things that were on the dress in her imagination, and she had made the skirt less full than she would have liked, but still, she got the feeling that the gown was too fine for her, too beautiful.

"I want so badly to make it of silk," Celeste was saying. "My fingers itch to begin."

"Don't make it too extravagant, Celeste," Lavinia sighed, hesitating for a moment. Was she doing the right thing? Taking a deep breath, she allowed her determination to return, she couldn't turn back now, not when she'd come so far. "How long do you think it will take?" She offered the sketch to Celeste who snatched it quickly as though she expected Lavinia would try to take it back.

"It is for Katherine Morgan's party, no?" Lavinia nodded. "It will be done by then." The girl eyed the drawing, a gleam in her eye. She was a true artist, and she enjoyed her work. For a moment, Lavinia found herself envying the girl.

"Thank you." Lavinia heaved another sigh.

"De rien, mon amie. Pour confectionner une robe aussi belle, je travaillerais même sans solde. Lorsque vous porterez cette robe, votre beauté dépassera celle de la plus jolie fille présente. Vous allez enfin sortir de l'ombre de votre sœur." A sparkle touched the dark eyes. "It's about time too, you will let me do your hair and dress you on the night of this party." It was not a question.

"I couldn't allow you to do that." Lavinia swallowed awkwardly.

"Oui, I know just how I will do it too." There was no arguing with the staunch determination. "You must go now, I need to work. For now, I have all I need, your measurements are enough, but I will need to do a fitting."

"Of course," Lavinia nodded. "Send a message to the house when you're ready for me, but you must promise to keep this a secret, Celeste." She looked earnestly at the girl.

"Bien sûr, your secret is safe with me." One of the dark eyes closed in a wink.

Heaving a sigh, Lavinia slipped out of the shop and headed in the direction of home. Her insides were a turmoil of feelings and emotions. She had dreamed of having this dress for so long a part of her didn't care about the consequences of wearing it. It was only one evening after all, and then she would return to her usual attire. She felt like a timid mouse all the same and a part of her would have been glad if she had awoken to find this some bizarre dream.

The air was cold, and a light mist hovered over the world, she drew deep breath as she walked back toward the manor. Cassandra and her mother were out for the day, and she had taken advantage of their absence to run into Celeste's shop to give her the sketch. If only she could quiet the butterflies of excitement that had begun floating about in her belly.

She was nearly frozen through when she turned into the drive. She really shouldn't have walked all that way in this cold weather with only a cape on, but it couldn't be helped now, and soon she would be inside by a roaring fire with a cup of steaming tea and a book. She would have the rest of the day to herself with no unnecessary interruptions because her mother and Cassandra were staying the night and most of tomorrow at the Morgan's to sort out party details.

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