Chapter Three

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Dedication: Tourmalite for the awesome cover! Thank you!


"Great! Lead the way!"

He stopped and smiled at me. "I'm really glad I met you, Grace."

He looked completely sincere. I felt so sorry for him. School must have been hard for him.

"I'm glad I met you too, Harvey."

He smiled at me, before inclining his head. "Let's go."

I trailed behind him silently.

I was going to make sure no one picked on him again.


It's no surprise mum's car isn't in the driveway as I walk towards my new house.

I step inside, feeling a little breathless from the walk, before slipping out of my hideous leather shoes. I beeline to the kitchen and dump both my school and gym bag onto the floor. I stride to the fridge, withdrawing a black currant Powerade and downing half the bottle in one gulp.

Exhaustion fills my body and I collapse onto one of the dining table chairs. School sucks. The teachers are strict and the workload is heavier and harder than I've ever had before. Even the basic classes are at such a higher standard than I am used to.

English is the only thing I feel like I have any idea in and I'm still behind.

At my old school, it is common for fights between the teacher and students to unfold. Half the class would be watching the fights, not actually learning. In class here, no one speaks a word unless answering a question. The silence is eerie and it makes me uncomfortable and almost scared to raise my hand. 

Especially when my stomach decides to sound like a dying whale.

After the gruelling day of avoiding rich bitches and snobs, I spent about three hours in the pool. I pushed myself harder than I should have and my muscles are reminding me every second.

I want to make sure I'm ready to knock the socks off these guys. I have to. Swimming is the only thing that keeps me sane. If I can't join the team, I will be miserable.

After scrolling aimlessly on my phone for about half an hour, I stretch, standing. My stomach howls in hunger and I rub it. I deserve a good dinner after what I put my body through the last few hours. I wince as I lean down to grab a pot, my muscles feeling tight.

I groan as I realise most of our kitchen utensils are in boxes still, along with most of our things.

Mum didn't ease into her new lifestyle. She dove in headfirst, which means on the weekend, I will spend most of my time unpacking. Until then, I guess I would be living on takeout. I was way too tired to unbox the entire kitchen.

Searching for Harvey's number, I rang him. We only met today, but what the hell, he needs a friend and so did I. We're stuck together now.

"Hello?" he answers after the fourth ring.

"Can you cook?" I ask abruptly.


"Can you?"

"Er- kind of."

I then realise you need food to actually cook.

"What are you doing?"

"Um," he trails off. "Homework. You?"

"Come have dinner with me?" I ask, pressing the phone to my shoulder as I unscrew the Powerade lid. "If I order Chinese, could you pick it up and I'll fix you up when you get here?"

Coach's Number OneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora