Chapter 3- Glass shards

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I Yelp as he twists his hands around my wrist and a sickening crack echoes around, I scream in agony. "Why are you doing this?" He doesn't respond, he just punches me.

I jerk up and claw at my throat for air, I fall off the bed and crawl to the door gasping for air. Reaching up I twist the handle, it opens and I crawl out sucking in harsh breaths.

Everyday is a nightmare, why does it have to be so hard? It's like I'm drowning in need for a fresh breath of air but it never comes to me. Have I done something wrong to deserve all this? I get on my knees and cling to the wall as I stand up, "you're worthless."

My vision becomes blurry and I crash into the wall, I trip and fall down the stairs loudly. This isn't my day at all. "You're ugly!" I clutch my head.

"Why do you follow me everywhere!?" I yell, I lean against the kitchen bench and the glass falls off breaking into tiny pieces.

I cough and wheeze, "just give up Lily. Kill your self," I close my eyes tightly and another glass breaking sound echoes. He's everywhere, alpha Jones follows me in all places; he can never disappear from my life like he's said.

"GO AWAY!" I yell, "you're not real," I chant.

I hear thumping then a curse, "Lily," someone growls.

With frantic eyes I look at alpha Knight, "stop him, please!" I shout. I can imagine him thinking I'm crazy, he furrows his eyebrows and looks to where I'm pointing. Why can he not see alpha Jones?

"No ones here," he says tiredly.

"He is! Look!" I say and alpha Jones laughs evilly.

"You deserve a punishment Lily," alpha Jones says.

Tingles erupt all through my arms settling me down, "Lily," I look into the eyes of my mate. I blink, my mate is really here; I have a mate.

"A-alpha Knight."

He growls, "stop calling me that. You're my mate, you call me Luca," he says. My eyes widen in surprise and I nod quickly, obeying his instructions.

"O-okay Luca."

"No ones here, you're alright. Now go back to bed," he instructs. I nod and squeal when I step on a shard of glass. He curses and I stay still not wanting to get more glass in my feet, I groan closing my eyes, he lifts me bridal style. He sits me on the laundry sink and gets out the first aid equipment. He gets the tweezers and lifts my leg to inspect my foot, "this might hurt," he mutters.

He pulls out the glass and I groan, he pulls out each piece until they are all gone and I sigh in relief.

My eyes close tiredly and I slouch, he sighs and lifts me up carrying me up stairs.

He puts me in my bed then walks to the door, I feel his eyes on me then I hear the door close.
The sun streams down on my face and the soft bed keeps me at comfort, my feet ache.

I turn my head and look at the time, it shows 11 am. I sit up and put my feet softly on the wooden floor, I instantly retract them when pain soars through my feet.

Someone knocks on my door. "Come in," an elderly man walks in with a brief case and equipment.

"Hello Luna, I'm doctor Lewis. Alpha Knight wanted me to check on your feet and bruises," I nod and remove the blankets.

He surveys my feet and gets out alcohol, cotton balls, tweezers and Neosporin which is an antibiotic for cuts and apparently keeps the surface moist and prevents disinfection. I would know because I did my research, that was the only thing I could do. Plus, I needed to keep my wounds clean and tend to them whenever they got hurt. If I didn't clean them they would become infected and wouldn't heal, which isn't a good thing; it's painful and takes forever to heal. It's a curse how I heal slowly compared to other wolves.

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