Christmas update

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So I know it isn't Christmas but it's Christmas Eve and it's almost one in the morning and I'm not tired so I wanted to update for you all.

Go check out "It All Started With a Ferris wheel"

"Lily," I feel Luca shaking my shoulders, I groan and blink my eyes open.

"What?" I grumble, I don't like to be woken up from my beauty sleep.

"Merry Christmas," oh, I forgot about Christmas for a second.

I sit up and grin, "it's Christmas!" I exclaim standing up and walking to the curtain, I push them open and look out at the pack.

Trees have Christmas lights on them and some houses have lights on them, the pack house has the most lights all in different colours and shapes.

There even is a massive Santa and reindeers, it's great. Our house has just Christmas lights though, I swing open the door and shout, "IT'S CHRISTMAS!"

I open every one of my child's door making sure to shout, "IT'S CHRISTMAS!" They all groan at me.

"You sure are excited sweetheart," Luca wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder, I grin.

"I can't wait till everyone sees their presents!" I'm practically bouncing in excitement.

Slowly the kids descend the stairs one by one and I grin, Taylor and Will are young so they were already down here.

Once everyone is down and seated on the ground or couch I clap my hands together, "so merry Christmas everyone, get your presents three at a time."

What? I have a lot of children.

Sophia looks so out of place though, she's awkwardly sitting next to Toby. I grin and grab all of her presents which is five in total, she smiles at me and shakes her head.

"You and Luca didn't have to get me anything," she says in the softest voice, I wave her off.

"Nonsense child. Of course I did!" I exclaim, she grins and tears at the wrapping paper.

"Here is your present my love," Luca whispers into my ear, I turn and face him noticing he is holding many gifts.

I open the first one, it looks like just an envelope. I open up the card and gasp as I see what's in wide, two tickets to Hawaii!

I wrap my arms around his neck tightly, "thank you so much."

He knows how much I've been wanting to go to Hawaii, it honestly sounds like a great place.

I open up his second gift which is really beautiful gold earrings with diamonds in them, I open up my third gift and chuckle.

It's a picture of him with a silly face, "cute," I kiss him on the lips then grab his presents.

He opens them one at a time, the first one is a cologne he's been dying to get, the second one is a new shirt because I feel bad for using his all the time. I've even claimed some as mine.

Well maybe I don't feel that bad....

Then the last present is tickets to the Broncos versus cowboys game, it's kind of weird how we both got each other tickets to something.

"Thank you so much flower!

The Bolton's, Tate's and Crawford's are staying for dinner tonight.

The kids are playing around, either swimming or doing something else while is adults are preparing for a very large meal.

Salads. Ham. Pork and crackling. Buns. Vegetables. Turkey. There is literally so many options of meat, salad; like potato salad and all that and lastly vegetables.

It's like a gourmet meal, "Luca We've set up all the cups, plates, forks and knifes as well as set some food onto the table are you guys almost done with the meat?" I ask him.

He wraps and arm around my waist and presses his lips to mine, "almost baby."

"Okay," I whisper against his lips.

"Lily we need you over here!" Storm shouts, we pull back and Luca sighs in disappointment.

"Talk soon," I wave and turn on my heel, I feel a slap on my butt and I gasp turning back around glaring at Luca who is smirking. "Did you just slap my ass?"

"Maybe," he winks with a teasing tone, I glare and walk away from him.

"Mummy when's food going to be ready?" Taylor asks, I lift her into my arms and prop her onto my hip.

"Soon sweetie, want to hang with mummy?" I ask, she nods.

I carry her inside, "is the pork almost done?" I ask.

"It's done! We just cut it up," I nod.

"Okay well the guys aren't ready yet," I mutter and place Taylor on a stool.

We wait for five minutes until Luca walks in informing us that they have set that meats into the table.

Storm and Lexi walk outside carrying the pork and Luca walks over to Taylor and I, he lifts Taylor up and peppers kisses on her face.

She giggles wrapping her small arms around his neck, "daddy," she whines and he chuckles.

"How is my little girl?"

"Good," she replies, "I'm hungry though."

"Well dinners ready now so why don't you find a spot on the table, we will be out soon," he places her on the floor, she nods and walks outside.

Luca smirks and I smile wrapping my arms around his neck, "I love you," I mutter.

"I love you too," he kisses me on the lips before we are demanded to come outside.

We sit next to each other and I look over at my family and friends well technically everyone here is my family.

How did I become so lucky?
Well it's now 1:00 and Christmas Eve and I'm tired, this was a bit rushed but I hope you enjoyed it.

I won't be putting this part in alpha of destruction though.

I wish you all a merry Christmas for tomorrow, well it is Christmas tomorrow for me.

I hope you get lots of presents, enjoy your day with lots of laughs and eat heeeeaaaappppsss of food.

The tickets that Luca got Lily, I'm changing it from America to Hawaii because I was tired and I couldn't think of a place.


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