Chapter 4

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Like every other former New York cop that morning, Alex Sonne had already heard plenty about the case on the news. The crazy kid carrying a fake gun and toilet paper rolls. He knew about the unknown shooter who'd almost killed the stupid kid. The NRA was on TV calling him a national hero. The press had already decided it must have been one of the floor traders with a concealed weapon. But Alex knew guns were not allowed in the stock exchange. No, this had to have been something different.

"The guy's gone off the deep end," said Tony Bugler. "I mean this is New York. I've seen more than my share of crazies, but this one's a real piece of work. Keeps talking about conspiracies. How tons of people will die if he doesn't talk to Luna Valencia."

"Where's his lawyer?" asked Alex.

"Didn't want one. We've been talking to him for four hours straight. Won't eat or drink. Won't tell us his name or anything about himself. No ID. Fingerprints didn't match anything in the database. So we need an Alex touch here. We're getting nowhere."

"Where's Luna Valencia?" Alex asked.


"What do you mean?"

"We didn't exactly know a Looney Tune was going to be asking for her nonstop. She left Wall Street at noon when she and everyone else were cleared. Hasn't shown up at her hotel since. We'll find her."

"And the real shooter?"

"Hasn't been found yet either. He was seen leaving the building. Various eyewitnesses corroborated the sighting, and the surveillance footage confirmed it."

"Let me see him."

"Just get me a name," said Tony. "That's all we need."

Alex let out a guttural snort and went into the room. Here were two young cops he knew. Real firecrackers. Jack and Anna. From their body language, Alex could see they were playing a knockoff version of good cop, bad cop. He could also see that it wasn't working. Whoever this kid was, he wasn't in a state of mind where regular interrogation tactics would work.

The cops looked at him. He nodded, and they left. The kid was mumbling incessantly. He wasn't paying attention to anyone or anything. In his own world.

Alex sat there quietly for five minutes or so, watching the kid. He couldn't pick out any individual words, just the general sound of muttering. The teen rocked slowly back and forth, and his eyes held a thousand-yard stare.

Slowly and quietly, Alex asked the kid a question.

"Wanna see Miss Valencia?"

Now the kid made eye contact. Alex had hooked the fish; now it was time to reel it in.

"I can bring you Luna, but I'll need something from you first."

This was a trick Alex had learned raising his son. His son's inability to articulate what he wanted used to make him exceedingly frustrated when he didn't then get it. Although, "frustrated" was a nice euphemism for what actually used to happen—flying off the rocker was more apt. Screaming, flailing, throwing things. Alex's ex-wife hadn't been able to handle those fits. She used to start screaming as manically as the child.

Alex had learned to do the opposite. He would keep calm, and in a quiet voice, simply ask his son if he wanted a strawberry. His boy would stop crying instantly. He had been understood. Alex knew that people would cooperate much more freely when they felt appreciated. Worked at any age.

The kid was still staring at Alex.

"I'm Alex Sonne. I need you to explain what happened this morning. Do that and I will find Luna. Deal?"


Progress. Got him talking. Alex left the room.

Tony put a hand on Alex's arm. "Looks like you're losing your edge."

Alex didn't reply. He went to the other side of the one-way mirror and sat and watched the kid. He was no longer mumbling. No longer rocking back and forth. Now he was just sitting motionless.

Jack and Anna were sitting at a small table in the back, drinking coffee out of paper cups.

"Nice one, Alex. Smooth work, Sherlock," said Jack. "Why'd we even call you in, old man?"

Alex didn't take his eyes off the kid in the room.

"Do your goddamn job, and I'll do mine," said Alex. "Go make yourselves useful and find Luna Valencia."

Jack walked right up to Alex's face.

"Come on, let's get some more coffee," said Anna. She grabbed his arm and pulled him from the room. Alex remained motionless, staring at the kid.

After a few more minutes, the kid came up to the window.

"Fine, I'll tell you what you want to know. But I'm only going to talk to you. And you better have Luna back there ready to talk to me when I'm finished."

Big Data: A Startup Thriller NovelOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara