Chapter 44

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Alex started freaking out. I couldn't understand what the big deal was. He grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me away from the computer. He dragged me to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

He whispered in intense fury, "We have to go. Now."

"Slow down, slow down. What's going on?"

"You said it yourself. They've been one step ahead of us at every turn."

"Yes, so?"

"And now Gaia's running."


"They're watching us. Your place is bugged. Come on, we've got to go."

Shit. He was right. Somehow, Thor had bugged my apartment. He'd heard everything. I had no idea what to do. Listen to my instincts? Run. Listen to my brain? Stay and figure out what Gaia was up to. From what I could tell, it was killing people. I needed to make some calls. After all, just a few days ago, I was CEO of this company.

"No, I need to stay," I said.

"Luna, don't be crazy. Listen to me. We need to go. You said it yourself—you only have leverage so long as they can't get Gaia working. They got Gaia working. You're disposable to them now."

"They're not going to kill me."

"Don't be stupid, Luna. You know too much. If they're willing to kill millions, they'll kill you too."

"If they're killing millions with my company, then I would rather die than let that continue. I have to stop them. If you're not willing to help me, I understand. But I need to know more."

"If you don't let me keep you alive, you won't be able to stop them. Luna, we have to go—now."

"Fine. Just check let me check one last thing."

Alex rolled his eyes. "You have thirty seconds."

I ran to the computer and typed as fast as I could. Alex went to the window.

"They're here," he shouted.

"What?" My heart was pumping like a diesel engine.

"They're here. Hurry up."

"So soon?"

"They probably sent these guys right after you told me how to get Gaia working. Come on, we don't have time for this, we need to get out of here."

"I just need to do one more thing."

A window shattered. I heard a hissing noise. I wondered if that was what a silencer sounded like. Alex tapped nervously on my desk.

"Okay, okay. Done. Let's go."

Big Data: A Startup Thriller NovelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora