Chapter 11: Already have an enemy

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Who knew organizing a barbecue was going to take this long! We have been going at this for about 3 hours, and it's taking place tonight. So, we have to get this done soon.

I was walking to the kitchen when someone bumped my shoulder.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry." I apologized.

The person looked up and glared at me...Sadie.

"You should be bitch." She sneered.

I admit, I was a little taken back by her comment. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. You should be sorry."

"Okay? Uh why?"

"You don't deserve Jake. And you certainly don't deserve to be a Luna. Jake is hot, sexy, strong, everything your not. You are just a weak pathetic little human."

I stared at her in shock as she continued to insult me.

'Why I outta. I swear, once I get out, I'm ripping her to shreds. How dare she disrespect me?!' Red rambled on and on.

"Listen. I'm sure on the inside, deep, deep, very deep down, you're a lovely person. But I'm Jake's mate. Not you." I told her slowly so she could understand.

"Of course I'm Jake's mate. I'm actually a werewolf unlike you, and I'm hot. So of course I belong with him." She stated as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Ahh hellllllll no.

"Listen here Sadie." I growled stepping towards her. No one tries to take my mate away from me. I'm getting a hold of this mate thing, and it's starting to make me get more jealous and worrying about him. And truthfully, it's starting to scare me. "You do not belong with him. I do, hence why I'm his mate. And a relationship only has two people in it. Get the picture? Two people, not three, or four, or five. Just two. And that is me and Jake. Not me, Jake, and Sadie. So back off."

"You'll regret this...Luna." She growled in my face.

"Oh please. I could so kick you pathetic skinny little ass."

She gasped at me before stomping out of the kitchen. "Ugh. Little bitch." I mumbled under my breath.

I heard someone clapping and turned around to see Liam with a proud smile on his face. "That was great."

"Thanks. And sorry for saying all that stuff about your cousin Liam."

He waved me off. "It's alright. I think the same exact stuff about her." He laughed.

"You're a nice cousin." I teased.

He stuck his tongue out at me but he got serious. "Can I ask you something?"

I walked up to him and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Sure. Anything."

"Okay. Come with me." He said before grabbing my wrist and dragging me down the hallway.

He kept dragging me up stairs and into a room.

"Is this your room?" I asked looking around.

"Yes." He replied.

"Why are we in your room?"

"Because it's private and no one will hear us." I think he saw the look on my face because his eyes went wide and he started shaking his violently. "No no no. Not that Avery." He laughed. "I want to talk to you about something."

"Okay." I said taking a seat in his mushroom chair while he sat on the bed.

"I know what you are." He said out of he blue.

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