Chapter 27: Suck it up

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Hey everyone :) so couple things.

1. I know it's taking some time for SGGK, but my editor still has it and she is looking it over for me :)

2. My fingernails and toenails look awesome! Haha. Sorry random moment. I have this awesome real color with silver crackle :) you know how some girls can't live without makeup? Well that's like me. Except I can't live without nail polish haha :)

3. I love snow! We have so much snow again haha.

4. I probably could not live without music lmao. It's like my life. Right now, I'm listening to Demons by Imagine Dragons :) love this song! Oh! And The Monster by Rihanna and Eminem

5. Everyone needs to check out the book I'm co-writing. It's called My Werewolf Girlfriend. It's by WolfHeartcp. It's getting really!!

"Can you make pancakes?" Lilly whined as I walked down the stairs with Ashe.

"I just got here." I laughed at her.

"Please Avery." Katie said puppy dog eyes.

Don't give in, don't give in.

I looked over at Lilly, Tony, and Ashe. They were giving me puppy dog eyes too.

"Ugh!" I threw my hands up in the air and got the ingredients out. "Fine!"

"Yay!" Everyone cheered and clapped their hands.

"Oh hello peoples." Stacy smiled walking into the kitchen.

"Hey." We said back.

"Want some pancakes?" I asked flipping them over.

She shook her head. "No thanks. I got to go help with all the training. Oh and by the way, Jake wants you two train as well. And all the younger kids have like the playground gym type thing to go do. It's really easy." She laughed and left out the door.

I looked at Ashe and groaned. "I don't want to see them."

"Neither do I." Ashe said slamming her head on the table.

"What happened between you guys?" Katie asked.

"You idiot of a brother was kissing another girl." I said stabbing the pancake with the spatula. "Like how barley. He is my damn mate. He should be only kissing me. And I'm also marked. He shouldn't be going around cheating on me! Like who the hell does he think he is?! Just because he is the alpha, doesn't mean he can go whoring around and bang anything with a damn pulse! And besides, he is-"

"Avery!" Everyone yelled.

I stopped what I was doing and looked up. "What?"

"I think you killed our pancakes." Tony said pointing down.

I looked down and saw he was right. All the pancakes were ripped and smashed. "Whoops?" I laughed.

I put the pancakes in bowls and drizzled syrup of them.

I put forks in there and gave it to them.

"Wa la! Enjoy my world famous pancake soup." I smiled and started eating.

Lilly gave me a funny look, along with Katie. "I can't believe I'm your sister." Lilly said shaking her head and taking a bite.

"Feeling the love." I grumbled taking a bite.

"This isn't actually that bad. It tastes just like normal pancakes." Tony smiled and started digging in.

"I can't believe I have a crush on him." Lilly whispered to Katie.

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