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Olivia's POV

The scenes of the accident plays in front of my eyes. I had planned to go to Dr. Hilton to ask for more booklets about pregnancy. I really wanted to know every piece of information there is about having a baby even though I didn't even know if the baby would have a farther. Right after my last class ended, I walked to the hospital and stood across from the entrance doors, on the other side of the road. I looked to my right and then to my left before my eyes caught him. Niall stood there, next to his car, supported by his crutches. His face looked pale and exhausted and I couldn't look away from him. Next thing I knew, my feet where moving and I didn't take my eyes away from Niall. CRASH and everything went black.

Now I'm laying in his warm bed, wearing only my underwear and his shirt. Yesterday, when I asked Niall if he brought some Pj's for me, he answered with a cheeky No. "Why are you even asking? You know that I want you to wear my clothes in bed." He said and yes, I did know that, but I thought that maybe because we had a break, we would take it slower. But apparently, we are taking off right where we ended, which I don't mind at all.

After rubbing my eyes open, I tilt my head to the side and look at him. He's so gorgeous, I think as I scan his face. He looks less exhausted and less drained like he did two days ago. His hair is messy and fluffy. I want to run my fingers through it but I don't want to wake him up. He looks so peaceful and satisfied.

Yesterday, when the boys where over, it seemed as if his body was there but not his mind. I now understand what he must have seen during the days before our breakup. I was thinking so much about so little things, that I wasn't really truly there in the moment.

"What are you thinking?" Niall asks mumbling. His eyes are still closed but his arms are wrapped around me. I roll onto my side as I put one hand on his cheek. His eyes slowly open and I get lost in the blue for a moment. But then I feel his hand on my waist, rubbing up and down my side, which gives me goosebumps.

"I was just thinking 'bout you." I explain and stroke his cheek with my thumb.

"Only good, I hope." Niall says as his lips form a little smirk.

"Of course." I say smiling at him.

"Should we call the boys and check how hungover they are?" Niall asks, chuckling. Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn went clubbing last night to celebrate Harry's birthday. It was really nice of them to visit us yesterday and we celebrated a bit before they went clubbing. I made us cake, while they sat around in the kitchen and talked. Then we all ate and had a good afternoon. I didn't have a present, neither had Niall but we promised Harry to get one, even though he insured us that he doesn't want anything.

After the boys left, Niall and I cuddled on his couch, watched TV and enjoyed the warmth of the fireplace. At some point, I can't remember what time it was, we went to bed, cuddled in bed and fell asleep right next to each other.

"I think we should let them sleep, love, and maybe call them later." I say as my hand wanders down to his neck, behind it and up into his hair. It's shorter at the back than it is in the front and I bury my fingers into it.

"You're right." Niall mumbles and closes his eyes as I softly play with his hair. He closes his eyes again and pulls me closer to his chest. I giggle and kiss his cheek."I love you." He mumbles.

"I love you too." I say and feel my stomach growling. "Do you want pancakes?" I ask. Niall's eyes instantly open and a big smirk appears on his lips.

"I thought you would never ask." He says and rolls out of bed. I can't help it but laugh at his cuteness. I sit up as he gets his crutches and hobbles out of the room. The door closes behind him and I lay back down again. It's completely quiet and for once, I don't feel empty, but happy. I stay in Niall's warm bed for a couple of seconds before I hear loud noises from the kitchen.

Fate of our life (Niall Horan - Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora