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2 years later

Olivia's POV

"I brought us breakfast." Adam says as he comes through the open door. I roll around in his bed and fall off it before I get the chance to stop myself. Adam burst out laughing and comes over to me. He reaches his hand out for me and helps me up. "You're lucky that the nightstands aren't here anymore. You would have hit your head." He says as he goes back to his desk where he had put down the McDonalds paper bag.

"Remind me real quick why I stayed the night." I say as I lean against his desk. He takes out our food and looks up at me with a big grin as he offers one Hash Brown to me.

"Because you're a nice person, decided to help me pack and then realized that it was too late to drive back to Brighton." He says and I nod understanding before biting into my breakfast.

"I might as well help you bring everything over now." I say, making his eyes widen und his smile going from ear to ear.

"That would be amazing!" He exclaims, stands up and puts his hands on my shoulder. He kisses my left and then right cheek and takes a step back. "You deserve a good coffee now, Olive. I didn't work at Starbucks for a year for nothing." He says, making me laugh as I watch him make me coffee.

After breakfast, we close up the last few boxes and then start carrying them to his and to my car. "I'll take the last one. You can drive ahead and start unpacking." I suggest as he helps me putting a heavy one into the boot of my car.

"Alright then, don't forget to lock the door and to check if I didn't forget anything." He says as he rushes to his car.

"Will do." I smile and wait to watch him drive off before I get back into the building. I get the last box and carry it down the stairs. I push the door open with my back and take a step out of the building when I hear a very familiar voice.

"Can I help you?" He asks and I feel my heart starting to race, which it hasn't done for the last two years.

"No, it's fine." I answer and take a deep breath. I don't dare looking at him and keep my eyes fixed on my car. He follows. I put the box into the car and act like I want to place it better as I feel his presence right next to me.

"Olivia." He says and I shut my eyes tightly as I turn around.

"Niall." I open my eyes and look at him. I haven't see him in two years, except for a picture here and there in the media. He smiles but all I pay attention to are his eyes. The beautiful blue in which I got lost years ago, I get lost in yet again. Neither of us says anything as we just stare into each other faces, trying to find something neither of us had when we broke up two years ago.

"You're moving?" He asks, breaking the silent. I shake my head no, open my mouth to say something but then close it again. I shake my head again. "So, how are you?" He asks another question but I can't bring out a work.

My phone rings and I know that it's rude, but instead of answering Niall's question, I pick up the call. It's Adam. "Are you on your way now?"

"No, but I-I've checked everything and locked the door. I-I'll be on my way right away." I say quickly as I look down to my feet.

"Is everything all right? You sound nervous?" Adam asks and damn is he right.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine. I'll text you when I'm on my way." I say and hang up, not letting Adam answer. I put my phone back into the back pocket of my jeans and look up at Niall again. He's still here. He's still himself. He's still smiling.

"Do you have to leave now?" Niall asks. I shake my head no and grip all the courage I can find in myself.

"No, actually yes, but I think he'll understand if I come a bit later, I mean, if you want to talk or something." I finally bring words out and instantly get the feeling that it was too much. "But I understand if you have to leave. I'm sure that you're busy." I add, blushing.

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