[6] Intertwine

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I wasn't like brother at all, brother could see, and eat, and fight. But all I could do was stumble down this dark alleyway. Was it dark? Or was it that my only seeing eye was finally losing all sight. That was the question that clouded my mind. If I had of stayed at home that dirty man might not have taken my sweater, and I might not have been lost.

A man was approaching my direction, though he hadn't yet spotted me. He was so big, much taller than I, he was broad, but not unfit, and he was dressed in the most peculiar clothes. A white shirt covered in blotchy stains rolled up at the elbows, brown loose-fitting pants and worn out boots, furthermore in his hand he clutched a plastic bag.

I couldn't fight right now, my sight was horrid and my skill almost as bad and I definitely couldn't run. I was too scrawny to stand any chance against this giant. So I continued shuffling forwards, my heart pounding against my ribs. My chest hurt, my breath sped but I walked on. The man's eyes finally caught onto me, they followed me before he stopped in his place. Obviously the scrawny, exposed boy, with a face as brutalized and broken as mine was a sight to see. The icky feeling of phlegm crawled up my throat and I clutched my chest, clearing my throat softly.

I was three steps away from him now, and he hadn't moved. Just as I was about to take that third step he turned and stepped towards me. I jumped back in fright, tripping over my own feet and plummeting to the ground. I began to cough, my flu would only worsen in the dirty air. I looked up to where he'd stood but found him crouched down near my face. He was breathing softly, and his bright eyes looked at me curiously. I was almost chocking on my own spit but soon managed to settle my breathing slightly.

He leaned forwards and did something to the broken part of my face, I had no clue what he was doing, as I had no feeling on that side of my face. But when his fingers trailed to the side of my mouth I flinched, he was stroking my face like one would groom a cat. My body lost what was left of its warmth quickly and I felt myself tremble.

"Are you alright?" His voice was low and rough, but he spoke softly as if talking to a startled animal. I didn't reply immediately and watched in uncertainty as he set upon unbuttoning his shirt, stopping halfway only to tug it over his head and offer it to me delicately. With delight I took it and covered myself up.

"Thank you," my voice was hoarse and faint but the stranger seemed to make out what I had said. He smiled and sat next to me against the filthy building exterior, his form making mine look like that of a child. Time passed with not a single word spoken, this gave me a chance to calm down and get a good look at the man beside me.

He had shoulder-length light blond hair that seemed to have been hacked at with a pair of scissors and light blue eyes with dark bags beneath them. A golden cross hung from his neck and contrasted with his skin, which was fair but not pale, and the skin surrounding his lips were scattered with small scars. He was fit, that much was present from his toned stomach and defined v-line. Though he sat hunched over timidly, his arms wrapped loosely around his knees and head turned to the ground in thought.

"Do you know where we are?" I whispered, his head spun to face me and his eyes flashed with guilt. His lips parted as he went to answer but his voice was cut off short by the thunderous shouting that echoed down the grimy backstreet.

"Everett!?" The angered voice made me jump instinctively towards the blond. Only now did I realise the metallic smell of blood and god knows what else clinging to the shirt I wore, though it was nothing new for me it did leave me wary once again of my new friend.

"Someone you know?" He frowned at me and rose to his feet, making me feel even more inadequate to his giant frame. I nodded my head quickly and attempted to hide myself against the wall. By now I could hear his footsteps hammering down the alley, and looked to see him holding onto my lost sweater, he was a mess; his hair was dishevelled and his t-shirt was torn, he had a bruised cheek and his lip was busted. When he caught sight of me against the building with a shirtless stranger standing over me he looked livid.

"Everett!" He bellowed as he clenched his fists. His lips snarled with rage as he stormed towards me. I scurried off the ground just as he closed the distance between us. "I told you not to wander outside without me, and where are we now?"

I looked at my feet sheepishly and answered almost silently: "Outside."

"What was that? Look at me when I'm talking to you." The air was heavy as I raised my eyes to look at my elder brother's perfect face. The tall man stood silently watching the scene unfold in front of him.

"We're outside," I raised my voice loud enough for him to hear, my eyes glimmering in shame as I looked at my brother and dared to take a glance at the kind stranger whose name I did not know beside me. Brother didn't like that one bit.

Turning to the man, brother was surprised to find himself eye-level with his throat and had to tilt his head to look him in the eye. He squinted his eyes at him, weighing his chances and deciding against anything too drastic. "And who exactly are you?" He spat, jabbing a finger into the man's bare chest, causing only the cross around his neck to sway slightly.

"Laitus," Laitus' answer was short as he glared down at my brother's furious figure, obviously unimpressed with his tone of voice. He stepped away from Oliver and towards me, fixing his shirt that I still wore so it sat better on my small body. It was unnecessary, but the action seemed more to be directed towards big brother.

"Everett, take that off now, we're going home," Oliver ordered, his gaze not leaving Laitus. I scrunched up my face in a sulky manor and wiped the dried tears from my face with the dirty sleeves of the shirt.

"But it's cold," I complained not wanting to leave the comforting warmth it gave me. In a single swift motion Oliver grabbed a hold of my wrist and began dragging me away from my new friend. "Ah, goodbye, Laitus!" I called back to him, his name rolling off my tongue with ease. I managed to see him smile and wave before brother squeezed my wrist harshly and turned a corner.


[A/N] Nothing much going on in this chapter, I feel like its more so a filler to introduce the characters to one-another. Now then don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time! :)

~ Fawn

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