[9] High

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Laitus looked down at the delirious boy by his feet, he leant forwards, grabbing him by the chin and forcing his bloodshot eyes to concentrate on him. Laitus placed the blade against Everett's bottom lip, making him open his mouth eagerly and stick out his tongue.

"That's a good boy," he praised his pet, stroking his jaw with his thumb. The blond positioned the point of the blade on the tip of the boy's tongue. "Now don't cut yourself."

Everett squirmed from his place on the ground; he longed to feel his brother's knife pierce his flesh and his warm blood dribble down his chin. He wanted Laitus to do the things his brother wouldn't.

Everett forehead seared with pain, he could feel his blood pumping to his brain and the drug that ran through his system. He wasn't certain if what he was seeing was truly there, but that didn't stop him from enjoying himself. The man before him wasn't the brute who had threatened his life days ago, to him he appeared as his dearest elder brother.

Evan softly bit the knife, running his tongue along the sides of the blade and gazing deeply into the eyes of his fabricated brother. If it weren't for this new found confidence that the drug gave him Everett would only have dreamed of doing such obscene acts.

Hours earlier he had been thrashing about in the arms of Laitus, the man who had given him ghastly nightmares ever since their last meeting. He had held him down, one arm tightly wrapped around his neck and the other urging the syringe into his mouth, demanding he swallow the obscure liquid.

If he had of know the liquid would give him such a euphoric feeling he would have taken it sooner. He knew brother would be mad that Laitus was using his butterfly knife for such vulgar tasks, but then again, brother was the one holding the handle and staring down at him with such commanding eyes.

Everett's body began to sway and he soon became light headed, dark spots stealing his vision. Laitus saw this coming and swiftly removed the knife, its serrated edge nipping Evan's lip. The blond brought the blade to his own lips and watched the boy writhe on the ground, attempting to regain his balance.

"Come here," it was a simple command that Evan couldn't help but obey. Laitus beckoned for him to turn around and show him his back. He slid his hands up the back of the boy's sweater and pulled it over his head, making sure he was trapped in darkness.

Unexpectedly Everett was grabbed by the legs and thrown oven Laitus' shoulder; his chin slammed against his back and jolted him into action. Evan brought his fists down against Laitus' back, the fabric over his face made the short trip far more suspenseful as his head was forced into a sink.

"Oliver cut it out!" Everett yelled as he heard the sound of rushing water right beside him. His brother's grip tightened on his torso as he screamed his name.

"You think I'm your brother?" The deep voice was enough to tell Everett that the man who held him wasn't who he thought he was. Everett's eyes widened at the realisation but his voice was drowned out by the water forced down his throat.

Instantly his gag reflex kicked in with every watery breath forced onto him, the process tore at his throat and left it feeling raw. He tried breathing through his nose but ended up sputtering it all out again. Evan grabbed at the arms holding him down and ripped into them with his nails. He could feel the blood beneath his fingertips and the way his sweater tightened around his head but he couldn't escape it.

On the verge of consciousness Everett landed a kick directly into Laitus' chest, causing him to stumble away. Evan took the chance to yank his drenched sweater off his face and stand back on his own two feet, holding himself upright against the kitchen counter. He coughed violently, and watched as Laitus did the same. Evan's hand brushed against something on the bench and he snatched it up, it was his brother's knife.

"Laitus!" Everett's brittle voice caught the maniac's attention immediately and he looked to find the frail boy clutching onto the knife he had laid aside. From the panicked expression he wore to the way his fearful voice yelled his name Laitus couldn't help but feel eager for what was to follow.

"I know who you are!" Everett cried, pointing the knife towards the wavering hallucination. Everything was so confusing to him; beneath the image of his brother he could see who he truly was. Before him stood Laitus, trapped behind the illusion his mind had conjured he knew it was him, he watching with teary eyes as the apparition faded away, leaving only a dishevelled man to stand before him.

Evan coughed into his arm, almost losing hold of the knife. "Stay away fro-" he was interrupted by another coughing fit, "stay away from me!" Everett knew he wouldn't be able to fight Laitus off, but he was willing to try.

Laitus laughed at the pitiful sight before him, the boy was obviously a mess and a complete nutcase. His body was littered in scars; from the burn marks he had seen branching across his back and chest to the freakish mutilation that marred his face. He had undoubtedly had a rather exciting life to say the least, but that seemed to be what drew him in, that's what really kept Laitus interested.

"Now don't cut yourself," Laitus taunted, grinning wildly at the boy before him. He was surprised when instead of swinging the knife about Everett landed a clean punch to his face and shoved him back. Laitus went to grab the blade but Evan swung it through the air, slightly grazing his hand and causing him to recoil quickly.

"Is that how you want to play, huh?" Laitus glared at him, cupping his bleeding hand and attempting to keep himself calm. Everett suddenly felt powerful; maybe it was the drug still simmering away in his veins or the adrenaline kicking in but he was glad to have it.

Laitus wiped the blood from his lip and before Evan knew it he was doubled over in pain. Every last bit of air rushed from his body and he choked up the water that he had swallowed earlier, collapsing to the ground. He had been struck in the stomach, aside from the wind being knocked from him the hit sent ripples of pain through him and he could feel the bruise already forming.

Laitus stepped towards the vulnerable boy and was taken aback when Everett lunged forward, attempting to skewer his foot into the floor. The knife was lodged between the tiles, mere centimetres from Laitus' unscathed boot.

"You don't give up easily do you?" Laitus hummed to himself, as Evan scrambled to retrieve his blade. With a forceful yank the butterfly knife was free and Everett rose to his feet, choking on his own spit and struggling to breathe once more.

"I'm going to kill you," he huffed, pointing the blade at his opponent, his head ached and his knees grew weak but the fierce look in his eyes showed he was determined to make those words the truth. "I'm going to kill you, Laitus," he repeated, this time more hesitant than the first.

"Try me."


[A/N] This chapter as well as the next are pretty eh. As always don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time! :)

~ Fawn

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