[7] Hold Me

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Brother had left for work when I snuck out. I knew if I were to be caught again he wouldn't be so lenient. My heart was thumping crazily in my chest as I wandered the back streets once again, I took a deep whiff of the stained shirt I clutched tightly in my hands and continued on. I hoped that he would still be around, I had a strange longing to see his face, ah no, I purely wanted to return his shirt, that's all. Brother's face was the only one for me, I wouldn't let his kindness affect me like this. Kindness comes with a price after all, right?

But it had been a long time since I had spoken properly with others, perhaps people have changed?

A loud snore caught my attention and I looked to find the familiar sight of the lane we spoke in. I was confused, who would be sleeping during the middle of the day? My eyes widened at the thought, could it be him still out here, did he sleep in the cold wet night? My legs gained a mind of their own as they hurried me towards the sound. There I found him, sat in the very place we had met fast asleep. His hair was damp and water trickled down his face yet he slept soundly, his mouth slightly agape.

Careful to not wake him I crouched down and draped his shirt over his exposed shoulders, my fingertips softly skimming his collar bone. Before I knew what was happening I was thrown to the ground, the skin of my hands stung with pain. I gaped at Laitus across from me, his eyes were wide and he looked around frantically until his gaze met mine, he tilted his head and frowned at me, staying completely silent. He ran his hand over his face, pushing his wet hair from his eyes and stood up.

"Everett, what are you doing here?" He asked in a husky sleep-filled voice as he stretched, his muscles moving graciously with his every movement.

I pointed a shaky hand towards his discarded shirt by his feet. "Y-your shirt."

He noticed the clothing by his feet and quickly plucked it off the dirty ground before dressing himself, not once breaking eye contact with me. I watched with curiosity as he paused for a moment and a conflicted expression crossed his face. A few minutes passed and Laitus still stood frozen, his eyes unfocused and unmoving.

"Laitus?" I called out to him from my place on the ground, which seemed to snap him out of whatever daze he was enthralled in as he bent down the help me up. He hooked his arms beneath mine and took a deep breath of my hair before easily lifting me to my feet.

"Let's get you home," he smiled half-heartedly at me and picked up his bag.

We didn't talk much on our way to the apartment, although he didn't seem to be the same Laitus that I met last night. Something seemed off, that much was evident.

"Everett, what does your brother do?" His sudden question made me jump and I turned to see him staring ahead, hands shoved into his pockets.

"He works at a restaurant," I frowned, for the first time noticing the scratch marks trailing down the back of his neck and bruises splattered down his throat. They looked painful. I swallowed nervously at the lewd thoughts that came to mind.

"That's not what I asked, Evan," Laitus shot me a look that I couldn't quite figure out. My stride faltered and face dropped as the nickname brought back fragile memories. "What does your brother do to people?"

A sudden rush of warmth enveloped my body and I took a sharp breath as I answered: "He eats them."

Satisfied and unfazed by the statement he continued on. His reaction, or more-so lack of one gave me an uneasy feeling. One would expect disgust, horror or surprise to cross his features but he simply wore the same lazy expression he had since I had woken him.

"What do you do, Laitus?" I dared to ask, fearing the next words that left his mouth. But he didn't answer, he let out a chuckle and his lips turned up into a small smile, avoiding the question completely. Silence fell over us for the rest of the walk and I kept my distance, this wasn't the same man who had looked at me as if I were a delicate doll. Those glassy blue eyes now saw me as nothing more than prey.


Everett fumbled with the keys in his hands, he didn't like having his back turned to Laitus and he couldn't trust him in his current state. There wasn't much room on the staircase landing and he could feel Laitus' presence directly behind him, his breath softly ruffling his hair.

"Laitus-" Everett was interrupted as he turned around by the forceful hand that grabbed him by the collar. "Hey what are you-!" He let out a shrill cry as he was lifted from the ground, his sweater growing tighter around his throat by the second.

Laitus looked down at the panicked, mangled face of the teen in his hands with excitement. The very sight of him struggling with such a look of horror made him shiver with delight. This side of Laitus had an obsession with power, he loved to see the fear he caused in the eyes of others.

Everett was definitely serving his purpose well as he clawed at his attacker's arms, attempting to break Laitus' hold as he was shoved towards the railing. He gurgled, barely managing to catch his breath to scream as he was angled over the railing. His back was bent awkwardly and the barrier dug painfully into him, only now was he given a chance to breathe and thrash about.

"Laitus no! Stop it!" He shrieked, kicking his legs about and holding tightly to the shirt of the other male. Everett's heart was beating so fast he was worried it might burst, he had always known kindness came with a price, but if he knew that this was it he wouldn't have taken that shirt so gratefully.

Laitus leant over him, slightly loosening his hold so Everett would cling tighter to him. He was the only thing that could both save him and end him. To him he was God, and he relished in the feeling. He loved the way he hiccupped when he cried and clutched to him so desperately.

He bowed down, wrapping his scarred lips around the flesh of his neck and sunk his teeth in, groaning deeply when blood drowned his tastebuds. Eagerly Laitus grabbed a hold of his neck and forced his teeth deeper into the wound, his tongue lapping at the tender skin.

Content with his work he brought his victim back onto the landing, dropping him on the platform carelessly and crouching down to his level. He gave him a quick peck on the forehead and took his leave. Leaving the hysterical boy to cradle his gushing neck.


[A/N] I felt like last chapter was pretty boring and decided to do a double update. As always don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time! :)

~ Fawn

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