Chapter 12

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           Aghanya stirred the already cold coffee in her cup. In front of her, Dhruv seemed to be doing the same. Dhruv had asked her to come meet and she had at once. Now they were inside the chilled overly expensive cafeteria 'Starlucks' ( Name changed for intentional purposes).  Personally Aghanya would've never visit such a place. She preferred home made coffee.

     "Dhruv, you've called me here. What did you want to talk to about?" She asked impatiently.

Dhruv's eyes fell on the diamond ring on her ring finger. Aghanya saw it and hid her hand. "So you are really engaged to Viren?" He said.


  He took deep breaths and sighed. After fidgeting he blurted out his question, "So the guy you caused self harm for was Viren?" He asked anxiously. That was what it said in the file.

  Aghanya scoffed, "Let me tell you one thing, nothing that was in that file is true! I did not cut myself for a guy and that too for Viren. I got this while I struggled to ward off a molester." She pointed to her injured wrist.

    His eyes turned to slits. "Did Viren...?"

     "No. He was not the molester but saw what happened, he was there and he just ran like a coward so he is to blame for my situation too!"

     "I'm not understanding any of this Aghanya. How did Viren come into all this mess?" He looked genuinely confused.

    "Okay. Let me explain from the top. Viren and I did have a past. Our parents pushed us for an arranged marriage. A year back, we went to Paris for my friend's wedding. Somehow, I fell in love with Viren and I believed he did too. But a night before the wedding,   the groom whom I also knew previously asked me to meet him in the garden. I went to meet him, he proposed and got angry when I said no. He tried to force himself on me. I tried to run away and he gave me this cut. I did manage to run away and I ran straight to Viren. He was inside the room. I knew it. He never responded. I was arrested by the police. My mum spun a web of lies to protect the groom's name saying I was obsessed over him and cut myself in an attempt to stop the wedding. Viren fled to Bora Bora with his girlfriend."

    Aghanya stopped to take a deep breath. Her voice was already cracking. "Viren returned when I threatened the Raizyadas that I'd break off this engagement. He trapped me with this engagement. You see, he wanted to marry me because of his father's debts. So my father thought that he'd sell me off for 10 billion."

   "I should've known, I mean he never said he loved me back. It was always me and I stupidly believed that he was genuinely interested in me." Aghanya sighed pitifully, drinking out of her mug.

Dhruv listened very patiently to her monologue. "Why did Viren run away, Aghanya?"

"You're analysing this situation as a psychologist." Aghanya smiled.

"Well, it is a habit. But don't you wonder why he ran away?"

Aghanya was dumbfound. She always wondered that. Always. Since a year, she always did. "He told me, he saw me with Varun that night so he ran away. Maybe he couldn't face me after running away like a coward." She scoffed.

"I don't think I would ever leave a woman after seeing her in danger. Nor would Viren."

"Dhruv, if you're just gonna convince me he is somehow the victim here, I won't be convinced of that. Nothing! Not a thing will place what he did as right. He ran away when I needed the most and he lied when I asked him if my father had paid him money. Not just that, he played with my heart. I'm not going to forgive him. Not now, not ever." She huffed in anger.

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