The Great Wedding

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       Aghanya had mixed feelings about the wedding week. She was glad that now her being the bride and him being the groom were not allowed to meet each other till the wedding. She was also felt remorse because they had taken it a step further and not even talking to each other. She was sure nothing was going to  change after the wedding too and Viren Raizyada might just ignore her like he was doing now.

       She sighed and moved into her parent's mansion for the week. So that her mother could have a melodrama that her precious but not do precious daughter was leaving maayka. Lol! She thought. She had left maayka a long time ago. If even that mansion with bricks and cement be even called maayka.

The whole house was decorated in streams of marigold flowers. Serial lights were hung on walls. The house was crowded with people, all of their closest aunts and uncles. Aghanya had to greet everyone. Everyone gushed about her and offered their felicitations. She just took them wearing a fake smile on her face.

"It is good beta that you moved on. We heard about your affair with Varun and we were really worried about your marriage." Aunty gossip monger no. 1 said pitifully.

"Me too, after all she's already 27 and good Viren agreed to marry her. Financially well stable, good looking bhi hai, aur kya chahiye?" Aunty gossip monger no. 2 backed her.

Aghanya just smiled with her teeth gritted. Aur kya chahiye? What else would someone want? Oh I don't know! A little bit of honesty. She thought. Honestly, she wasn't even mad Viren had taken money from her father. He had done that to pay his father's debts. But to say that he fooled her into thinking he was in love with her while all he wanted to do it was for money was not what someone would want.

But she couldn't say it out loud. 'Cause she did not want another 'Aghanya is batshit cray cray' rumour going around. So she took all the jabs, all the fake sympathetic advises and all the melodrama happening in her house.

By the end of the day Aghanya felt exhausted. Not only her body but her mind was drained. 'This is crazy!' She though. And the wedding hadn't even started yet.


      "Here, is our bride, sleeping... Wakey wakey bridey..." Someone nudged her. What the f*ck? She thought and opened her eyes to see a camera lens. It was Diya. "Diya, what is this?" She groaned and sat up straight letting her hair fall to her face covering it up.

"Just capturing the exciting moments of the day!" Diya squeaked.

"But the D-Day is two days from today. Not today!" She said grumpily.

"But aren't you excited? In two days you'll be Mrs. Aghanya Viren Raizayda!"

"Very much so." She replied dryly.

Aghanya Viren Raizyada. She thought in her mind. It did have a nice ring to it. She didn't know why but some part of her was excited. Wasn't it every girl's dream to get married in a beautiful lehenga? For a minute, it didn't seem like it was a marriage of convenience.

That was how every day of the week started. With Diya waking her up with a camera shoved to her face and she going through the rituals with a fake smile. Every ritual reminded her of him.

     Haldi, reminded her of the time someone threw haldi water in her eyes. Viren had taken care of her. They had their first kiss then. Her eyes were binded but she felt his warm lips against hers. It was the most electrifying things she had ever felt.

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