2. Missed Me?

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^Titus up top


My mom gasped in shock. "Richard!"

My brother grabbed his plate then stood. "Well this has been nice but I think it's time for me to go." With that, he left me to deal with my nosey parents.

My dad turned to face my mom. "What Jill? She stays out all night doing goddess knows what. We need to know." They both turn their attention back to me, waiting for my response.


"Wha- No." I finally said I'm disbelief. It wasn't a lie. My parents have constantly instilled in me the importance of waiting for your mate. I promised them I would wait. Although I had come incredibly close to breaking that promise. I kept my word in the end.

My dad studied my face, Looking for any trace of a lie. I held my dad's gaze, looking him straight in the eye.

My dad figured out when I was little that I could never hold anyone's gaze when I was lying. It's been a burden ever since.

He sighs in relief when I hold his gaze for a solid ten seconds. "She's telling the truth."

"Oh thank god." My mom says.

I honestly can't with these two.

My dad clears his throat. "We wanted to talk to you about something."

"Okay shoot." I place  my elbows on the table, earning me a scowl from my mom.

"Alpha Titus will be here this afternoon."

My lips form into a smile.

Titus has become a close family friend. After his first visit with his father, seven years ago. He's been visiting us monthly. He's like a big brother to me and I don't know what I would do without him.

His father officially gave him the alpha title when he turned twenty-one. Of course, I was there for the ceremony cheering him on. I was so proud of him. He worked really hard for that title. That was four years ago. I was just a preteen with wacky braces then.

"Sounds good."

My dad glances at my mom the back at me. "We are sending you to stay with Alpha Titus and his pack for the rest of the year."

I furrow my brows. "Why?"

My brother and I usually spend our summer's up at Titus's pack. It's always a blast. Going in the middle of the year is a little odd but I mean hey I'm always down to visit Titus's pack.

My mom steps in. "We just think a change in scenery will be good for you."

"What about my birthday? And my first shift?"

My birthday is literally in a couple of days. I find it a little weird that I won't be spending it with my family.

"You'll be spending it down there with Titus's pack." My dad says.

I knew there was no arguing so I just left it at that. "Fine."


I walked down the dirt road leading into the forest. I pulled my jacket tighter around me. It was now snowing outside. I absolutely loved the snow. It's so...magical.

My brother and I had just finished our study session with our tutor. My brother and I were both homeschooled. After you reached the age of seventeen you weren't required to go to school anymore. But my father still wanted me to continue my education, despite me turning 17 in a few days. Plus I didn't have a good reason not to.

Whereas, Carter stopped going to school to focus on his Beta training. He's been training to be my brother's Beta for a couple of years now. My brother just started two months ago when he turned fifteen.

I was headed toward Carter and I's hideout. Well it was turning more into my hideout. Carter hasn't been there since he found out Genevieve was his mate. I mean I get it but it doesn't make it hurt any less.

I crawl into the entrance of the cave and take a seat on one of the pillows we placed in here. One for Carter and one for me. Mine was the fluffy purple one and his was the dark green one. I glance at the many drawing Carter and I made when we were little.

I grab the one he gave me on my seventh birthday. It was a drawing of me on a swing and a wolf that I assumed was him. I remember I punched him in the arm for making me a stick figure. I should have known by then that was all he could draw.

Tears begin to stain my face at the distant memory. Things will never be the same. No matter how many times he says it, I know it's not true. He has Genevieve now; he doesn't need me.  I drop the paper at the sound of footsteps crunching in the snow. I stand as much as the cave will allow me and walk closer to the entrance.

I stop in my tracks when I see a tall grey wolf approach.


The first time I saw his wolf was when I was eleven. I was visiting his pack for the summer. His pack was getting ready to go on a run. I wanted to go so badly. When Titus's father, Zander, told me no I cried for the longest time. Eventually Titus convinced his father to let me go. I climbed on top of his wolf and we raced off into the forest. It was one of my best memories I've had so far.

I walk further out until I'm completely out of the cave. "Titus?"

He whimpers when he sees that I've been crying. I wipe my eyes with the back of my sleeve. "I'm okay." I say with a chuckle. I don't like people to see me cry. You'll barely ever catch me crying. I think I cried once in front of my parents and it was embarrassing.

He walks towards me. I stoop down to my knees and wrap my arms around his neck. I run my hand along his dark grey fur as he sniffs my neck. Taking in my scent. I love Titus like a brother and I'm glad he is in my life. "Come on let's head back to the pack house."

Titus lays down on his stomach. Gesturing for me to hop on. I rub my hand through his fur. "You're so cute." He growls at me. I pull my hand away. "Right, I forgot. You don't like being called cute. My B."

I wrap my arms around his neck then throw my legs over his back. Titus's wolf was huge. I'm 5'5 and I still was struggling to accommodate his height. When he knows that I'm securely on he takes off through the forest.

When we are close to the pack house Titus stops. I take that as my cue to get off. I climb off then take a step back. Titus takes off. When I don't see him anymore, I assumed he was shifting back into his skin side.

I play with the hem of my jacket while I wait for him. A few minutes later I hear him approaching. When I look up a huge smile is plastered on my face. Titus's hazel eyes light up when he sees me. He changed into a pair on khaki shorts and a baby blue polo. I run into his embrace. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. "Hey." He says breathlessly.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too Brinn."

When he sets me down I interlock our arms and we continue our walk to the pack house.


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