4. Off We Go

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When I walked back into the dining hall I was surprised to see everyone already digging into their food.

Man, how long was I gone?

I placed my food on the table then sat down. The first thing I grabbed was the Nutella. Opened it, I placed the spoon into the creamy mixture. Before the spoon could reach my mouth, it was hastily ripped out of my hands along with the Nutella container.

I glared at my mom who was now holding the Nutella with a scowl on her face. "I thought I hid this?" My mom scoffed.

"Well obviously not good enough." I said as I reached for the Nutella.

"Brinn eat your food." My dad demanded.

I sunk into my seat then pick up my fork. Halfway through my meal, I notice people starting to leave. I glanced towards my parents and saw they were in a deep conversation with Titus and Ryan.

Probably some pack business. Not my expertise.

My brother grabbed his empty plate and stood. "Owen out."

"Owen out?" I questioned.

He shrugs then walked out the door. "Weirdo." I mumbled as I shoved food into my mouth.

I looked up from my plate when I heard laughing. I narrowed my eyes at Ryan. "What's so funny?"

"You are."

I toss my long blonde hair behind my shoulder. "I try."

Asher, my dad's beta took Owen's empty seat a few seconds later. He shot me a tight smile then started up a conversation with my dad.

"Let's continue this conversation in my office." My dad finally says.

They all stood, ready to leave the dining hall. Titus sent a wink my way, which I returned with a nod. When all the men left, I look over to my mom who was helping Gretchen clean the dining hall. "Oh no Luna I can take care of it." Gretchen protested as my mom grabbed the empty plates from the table.

"Gretchen you should know by now that I'm not taking no for an answer."

She smiled appreciatively. "Thank you Luna."

I hurriedly finished my food and made my way to the exit before my mom could ask me to stay and clean. I'm all about the greater good and all, but these wolfs could be pigs.

The moment the warm water hit my skin I let out a sigh. Grabbing my strawberry shampoo, I massaged it into my scalp.

When I was done with my shower I grabbed my towel and started to dry myself off. Slipping on my pale pink lace panties with the matching bra. I threw on some black joggers and a white V-neck, then grabbed my brush and started running it through my damp wavy hair. When I got all the knots out I braided my hair in two French braids and left my bathroom.

I slid into my bed and placed the blanket on my lap. Reaching under my bed, I pulled out a book then brought my knees to my chest and let the words on the pages take me out of my reality.

I had been reading for 3 hours when a yawn escaped my mouth. I slowly placed the book down and looked at my clock on my bedside table. It read 12:33. I stretched out my arms then placed my book in my bedside drawer.

I was about to reach for my lamp and turn it off when my door opened. Snapping my head to the left, I smiled when I saw Titus enter. I pat then open space to my left. He smiled then plopped down next to me. "So?"

He arched his brows. "So?"

I rolled my eyes. "What was the meeting about?"

"Just pack st-" He stilled then sniffed the air.

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