31. Waiting Game

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Brinn POV

My brother, father and I stayed close to my mother's bedside as she laid there unmoving. Her eyes were closed shut as the sound of the beeping monitor filled the room. My father held her hand closely to his chest. Owen gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. His dull green eyes met mine as he stared down at me.

My father stood and walked to the exit, without a word. I turned to go after him when Owen pulled me back. "He just needs time." He explained. I nodded then turned back to my mother.

I pushed the stray strands out of her face and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I should have told her I was leaving." He whispered.

I straightened and turned to face him. "Don't you dare do this Owen. This is not your fault! I am not going to allow you to blame yourself for this! Okay?" His eyes watered slightly as he nodded slowly.

Taylor walked in a few minutes later. She gave us a small smile. "Luna." She bowed.

"Do you know why she's not waking up?" Owen asked.

She sighed. "Your mother has lost a lot of blood. Her body needs time to recover."

"Is she even going to wake up?" Feeling the anger rising from him, I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I-I don't know." She stuttered out. I felt my heart sink. If she didn't wake up, Owen and I would be left without a mother. And my father without a mate.

"You don't know?!" I grabbed a hold of Owens arm and ushered him outside of the room.

"What the héll Brinn?!" He shouted once we were outside, drawing attention from other pack members. "Hey calm down. I know you're angry, but yelling at me and Taylor isn't going to help anything. She's doing everything she can O." He shoved his hands into his pants as he looked away.

He shook his head. "I'm sorry." I gave him a weak smile. "It's okay bud. Come on, you need to rest." I held up my hand before he could protest. "Come on."

We got many of stares from the pack members as we walked to the pack house. I was used to being stared down due to my status in the pack, but something about these stares gave me an eerie feeling.

Something was going on...

My mind instantly shifted to Lily. Oh no they found out! They know I killed her, which means...Titus knows.

If a wolf challenges another wolf you have the right to put them in their place. Death was allowed, but we were peaceful packs who tried to stray away from killing. There were some packs that killed for dominance and power, that's wasn't us. Silver Crest fit that category.

"Brinn are you okay?" I nodded, "Yes let's just get inside."

We picked up the pace until we were safely inside. We walked up the stairs in silence, both of our thoughts on different things. When we reached our floor Owen turned to face me. "I'm going to take a shower then head to bed.

"Okay." He pulled me into a tight hug. "Everything will be fine." We were both still hurting, but we needed each other to get through this.

He pulled away, gave me one last look then retreated into his room. I wanted to believe everything would be fine, but once everyone found out I was a murder, I didn't know what would happen. One thing I did know is that I would have to live with this for the rest of my life.

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