chapter 2 -The Adams

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Mrs Adams' P.O.V. :

I returned to my mansion with Josh and my bodyguard; Landon to see the love of my life-my husband; Brookly waiting for me. He was sitting on the couch sipping his usual green tea, Sencha.

He just loves it. Maybe it's the second love of his life...first is obviously me.

"So tell me why has my dear hubby been wanting to see me when I was spending some quality time with my grandson?" I asked him giving a quick peck on his lips. But he being the most romantic man alive, he held my waist tightly with his strong hands and started kissing me. My typical Brookly Adams.

"Let me go, Brookly!" I warned him. But little did I know, it only made him tighten his grip around my waist and started kissing me passionately. 

"Grandpa, you are hurting my grandma. Leave her!" Josh yelled and started crying. Only if he knew what his grandfather was doing. I blushed.

I stood arranging my dress and hair then turned towards my hubby. I gave him a death glare and walked towards my little Josh. I picked him up and wiped his tears off his cheeks.

"Your grandpa wasn't hurting me, baby. He was just loving me-like your dad loves your mom." I said trying to calm him.

Brookly came and stood in front of us and took Josh into his arms, lifting him higher.

"Yes, my little sunshine. I was just loving your grandma. Actually, I am addicted to her and when I don't get to love her and kiss her, I start feeling uneasy. This is how your dad loves your momma, isn't it?" Brookly said giving me a smirk and winking at me. I hit on his upper arm which made him chuckle.

"This is not fair, both of you. How can you involve me and Jason into this? To cover up your make-out session you can't involve us into this. You are supposed to deal with it on your own." my lovely daughter, Cameron said, making a pout.

She is 28 years old and our eldest child. She got married 6 years ago to my son-in-law, Jason Parker; a business tycoon and billionaire of France. They fell in love with each other back in high school. Josh is their only son. She's here with us for the delivery of her second baby which is due next month. She is staying with us as Jason is out on his business tour and will be back in 2 weeks.

"Oh, you look so gorgeous today. Come and give your old dad a bear hug. I am craving for it." Brookly said keeping Josh down and walking towards Cameron to help her climb down the stairs.

"Don't change the topic dad. How could you do this to my son? Now he might be thinking- that his dad and I start our love making wherever we like, be it on the couch, like you. Mom-dad, you could have done it inside your room. Couldn't you dad?" Cameron complaint holding Brookly's hand and climbing down.

"Of course I could've done that darling but you know how your mother is. She can't control herself and jumped over me-" he said helping Cameron sit on the couch and winking at me, teasingly.

"Really, Mr Adams? I can see that you don't wanna sleep on your bed tonight. " I said giving him my signature death glare. He knows exactly what it means.

"No! no! no! I was just kidding, honey. Please don't do this to me, again. I beg you. Okay, it was my fault. Sorry!" he said in a begging tone. It's really a sight to watch New York's most powerful billionaire begging. But he deserves it.

"Dad, you are too adorable. Mom knows exactly how to control my dad. Now give me my bear hug." Cameron laughed hugging Brookly.

"And where's my hug, honey? Forgot about me?" I said pouting, making a puppy face.

"Not even in my dreams, mom. Come on join us." She said extending her arms for me to hug her.

We hugged. Josh hugged his grandpa from the back with his small hands. My sweet little family...wait...

Where's my son, Shane? I searched for him.

"Where's Shane, honey?" I asked Brookly.

"As usual! He is busy sealing a business deal. You know your son is a workaholic, right?!!" He said holding my waist.

I called my son. "Hello, am I talking to Mr Shane Adams? If yes then tell him that his mom is searching for him and wants to see him now." I said, sternly.

"Mom don't be like that. I know that you're furious at me that I am working on holiday but mom, its a huge deal. Can't-miss it. And I love you too. I will be home in 2 hours. Promise!" My workaholic son said trying to sound sorry.

I know he is not sorry. He is never sorry. He says sorry but never means it. When it comes to work, he becomes something else. I doubt, one day he will forget breathing. He is like his father. Not only physically but mentally as well. But he is not emotional like Brookly. He has no emotions. He never expresses his emotions. 

But he loves us more than his life. He is 26 now and is still single. I don't know about his virginity but as far as I know him, he wouldn't let even a female mosquito to fly near him. Except for Cammy and me, he despises all the female population. Don't know why? But I wish he finds a girl who can change his perspective towards girls and can make him fall in love. I am waiting for that girl. And I guess, soon my wait is going to be over. What was her name? Yes, Lara!

I found her really unique. Say it a gut feeling or just an instinct, but the minute I saw her, I started imagining her with my son as his bride. She is extraordinarily beautiful, loving, kind and responsible. I have a gut feeling that she is the girl who can make my boy fall in love. Well, I am not sure but I am going to give it a try.

Today, when I went to the park with Josh, I saw her playing with a little girl who was calling her mommy. I was amazed by her beauty but then was shattered a bit because she had a daughter which means, maybe she was already married.

But still, I wanted to talk to her once so I went to her. It was then that I came to know that she wasn't the mother. Oh, how relieved I was to know that the little girl was her sister! Well that was when I took a sigh of relief.

After talking to her I came to know that her parents were dead. Poor little child. She has suffered from a very young age. She knows what life is and how to deal with it. I think she is the perfect girl who can deal with my stubborn son and bring him down on his knees.

But before doing anything further, firstly, I need to see if she is capable of dealing with my arrogant son or not.

I asked Paul to find each and every detail about Lara when we left the park. He messaged me all the details.

Name: Lara Jones

Age: 23

Height: 5'6"

Occupation: Primary high school teacher at St. Thomas School

Friend: Ashley Hudson, Angelia Montgomery

Relatives: grandparents (maternal) lives in London

Parents: late Mr And Mrs Jones

Sibling: Cara Jones (3 years old)

Education: Was a topper in her high school. Studied bachelors in science but had to quit  due to financial crisis after her parents' death. Joined online learning school for completing her degree (Architecture).

Love-life: Single, never had a love life!

Extra: Was offered a modelling job by an advertisement company but declined the offer to take good care of her sister as the job involved flying abroad most of the times.

Talent: Red belt in martial arts, Played the piano back at high school and loves baking.

Wow..impressive. Now I need to find out if she's capable or not and I exactly know what I need to do. My dear son, now its show time. You just wait and watch.

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