chapter 10- The dare to the groom-to-be

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Shane's P.O.V. :

"I know what kind of a girl you are. I have handled many girls like you in my life. The girls like you can go to any extent for money. So just take this money and get the hell out of here. NOW!" I shouted at my ex-secretary.

She's a witch. She not only tried to sell my company's secrets to the rivals but also tried to seduce me when I found out that she was guilty. How pathetic can she be?

"Sir, please don't do this to me. Please give me one last chance. I won't repeat this mistake again. Please forgive me." She pleaded, with tears in her eyes which I knew were fake.

"I don't give second chances, Ms. Johnson. And when it comes to the gold diggers like you, it gets on to my nerve. So it will be better if you just leave my office and company right now or else I'll have to call the guards to help you get your ass out of my building and believe me, Ms. Johnson, I will do that with pleasure. The choice is yours." I threatened her with a smirk.

"Sir plea..." I cut her off.

"Get her ass out of here," I spoke into the intercom.

After a few seconds, the guards came and dragged her out of my cabin.


"Hey bro. Wassup?" Ian Dormann, my younger cousin came inside my cabin without knocking. The only guy who doesn't need any permission to enter my cabin. 

"What are you doing in my cabin, Ian? What brings you here?" I asked. 

"Well good evening to you too, brother. And I heard you kicked one of your sexy secretaries from your office," he asked settling himself on the sofa, crossing his legs.

"Yes, you heard that right. Now would you tell me the reason what brought you here, to my office?" I asked him without looking at him. I was busy with some files which needed to be completed by today. My ex-secretary has already wasted 30 minutes of my precious time and I can't afford to waste anymore.

"Bro, don't be like that. Don't tell me you forgot that it's my birthday today." he said.

What? Today is his birthday...? Shit!!! I promised him last year on his birthday that I would do anything he says if I forget his birthday next time. Shit! Shit!! Shit!!!

"Happy 24th birthday, man." I walked towards him and gave him a manly hug.

"23rd birthday! Don't tell me you even forgot my age. Man, I can't believe you. Remember I threw a grand birthday bash on your 25th birthday and look you don't even remember my age." He said, trying to sound hurt.

"Don't be a cry baby now. I am sorry I forgot your birthday and age. Okay now tell me what do you want for your birthday?" I asked, returning to my chair.

"Now you're talking. Leave your work and join me and Jake for my birthday party," he said, sitting on the chair in front of me.

He can be very childish sometimes. Why can't he act me and his elder brother, Jake? We are so involved in our works in order to make our company the best and the leading company in the country and on the other hand, he just loves partying, hanging around with girls and getting into fights. Man, when will he grow up?

"I can't come, Ian. I am really busy today. You go and have fun." I said dryly and started working on my laptop.

"No ways! You're coming with me. Remember your promise? It's my birthday bro and you forgot it. You can't ignore me on my special day." He said making a puppy face.

I can't say no to that face.

"Okay fine. Let's go. My work is almost done." I said closing all my files and laptop.

"I am waiting for you downstairs," he said and went out of my cabin.

I went to my bedroom which is attached to my cabin and got changed into a dark blue slim sleeves blazer with a white t-shirt within. 

#Shane's outfit:

#Shane's outfit:

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After driving for 15 minutes, we reached to Ian's new club, The Santiago's Club which he opened last month.

Me, Ian and Landon headed towards the VIP area which was at the uppermost corner of the club from where the view of the lower floor of the club could be seen clearly.

"Hey, Jake. How're you doing?" I asked hugging Ian's elder brother, Jake.

We are just the same, not only by age but by many other things as well. We both have the same strategies to deal with the clients, we both have the same passion towards our work and we both hate gold diggers. We mostly have similar perspective towards everything. That is why I like hanging out with him. Whenever we meet, we just discuss about our companies' growth, strategies, and new ideas and plans to strengthen our companies.

"Hey man! Long time no see. Good to see you, brother." He said.

We all sat on the sofas around the mini glass table while Landon went and sat on the chair near the bar. I don't know why mom chose him as my bodyguard. Firstly, I don't need any bodyguards as I can guard myself and secondly, he keeps spying on me and leaks all my whereabouts to my mother. 

"Yeah man, I've been very busy these days because of these Chinese investors who are interested to invest in my next venture. And-" I was cut off by Ian.

"Guys, can you please stop your business talks for at least tonight. It's my birthday and look what my brothers are doing. Instead of celebrating my birthday, they are busy with their business talks." Ian looked really irritated.

"Okay sorry. Let's celebrate your birthday. Sarah, please bring the cake." Jake asked one of the waitresses to bring the cake.

Ian cut his cake and we celebrated his 23rd birthday with a bottle of champagne.

"So Ian, what do you want as your birthday gift?" Jake asked sipping his glass of champagne.

"I want the latest sports car in town." Ian said, excitedly.

"Done!" Jake called his manager to buy the latest sports car for Ian.

"And what do you want from me, Ian? New penthouse or whole new wardrobe or just ask for anything and you will have it in seconds" I said sipping my glass of champagne.

"I don't need any materialistic thing from you, bro. I need something else." Ian said. 

I can see some kind of mischief in his eyes. Don't tell me it's going to be one of his devilish plans.

"Then what?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

He looked at me with a smirk on his face as he bumped his fist with Jake's. Now they both were giving me that mischievous look.

What are they up to?

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